Chapter 35 ☆ : Kidnapped I

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Not edited :( sorry for any grammatical mistakes ㅠㅠ

Baekhyun's P.O.V:

"I need to go to the toilet," I tell my friend, handing him my jacket and phone. He gives me a nod, his eyes glued to the performance.

I walk off in hasty steps. Yonghi, she... The way she sung that song, her beauty radiating onto every corner of the room... I tried to restrain myself from looking into her beautiful, brown eyes, but the way they glistened with sadness, I just couldn't do so.

I flick the tap on and let water rush out. Placing my hands on both sides of the sink, I stare at myself in the mirror, keep your act together Baekhyun. You have to teach her a lesson for what she did to you.

cupping my hands, I splash my face with cold water, hoping that it'll wash some sense into me, but it doesn't.

The way she sung the song, how can I believe she did such a thing?

Oh god, I need to calm myself down.

This whole situation is confusing me, all the thoughts and questions piling up in my mind could make my head burst at any moment. Heaving a sigh, I wipe my face with my sleeve and head back.

I notice that my phone and jacket is left sitting on a seat and my friend isn't there. What the heck, where did he go?

I scan the room but he doesn't seem to be anywhere. Hmm.. that's odd.

Shrugging, I sit down and finish watching the performances.


Students pour out of the room to head back to their tents. On the side, I see Songkyo with a worried look on her face, it looks like she's waiting for someone.

I walk up to her,"Songkyo," I say, tapping her on the shoulder. She jumps from surprise and yelps, after realising it's just me, she puts her hand over her chest,"Oh, it's you Baekhyun." She says breathlessly.

"Is anything wrong?" I ask,"Where's Yonghi?"

Her face goes as pale as a ghost, like as if all the blood has been sucked out of her,"I-i don't know..." she sniffs,"I've been trying to look for her, but I can't see her anywhere. I've checked our tent, the toilets... but she's not in any of those places."

Songkyo looks as if she's on the verge of tears from the fustration and worry.

"I'll go check those places again, just in case she's there now."

JaeSung comes towards to us,"Hey, what's wrong babe?" He gently puts his hands on Songkyo's shoulders.

"Yonghi's missing." I tell him,

"What?" He asks,"Have you checked the tents?"

"I'm going there now."

He gives me a small worried nod and I run off to our camping area, heading for Yonghi's tent,
I rush in, "Yongh-"

But just like Songkyo said, she isn't here.
I take out my phone and call her, but it only takes me to the voice mail. This makes me start to panic, where on earth could she be?

I'm about to text her, but an unfamiliar message is in our chat.

Meet me outside near the forest.
I have something I want to tell you...

What the heck is this? I didn't send this to her.
The small tick on the bottom indicates that Yonghi read it. Shit. She's probably over there.
I quickly spin around and head in the direction of the forest. The area is empty, only the sound of trees and wind accompany the darkness of the night.

월광 (Moonlight) [Baekyeon Fanfic] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now