Chapter 25 ♤ : Breathe

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His stare burn into my eyes, I give him an uncomfortable look and try to struggle free.

"Let me go!" I yell, pushing him by the chest, but he doesn't budge.

"I SAID WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY FROM ME!" He screams. My heart pounds in fear, tears begin to surface. Why am I crying? No Yonghi, keep them in. Keep them in!

"Let go of her," Says a voice too familiar to not recognise, Baekhyun!

He grabs Jung Min's shoulder and rips him off me before giving him a punch in the jaw.

I gasp,"Baekhyun stop!"

But it doesn't seem like he can hear me.

Jung Min charges up forward and throws a punch back, but Baekhyun dodges it and kicks him in the neck.

How high can he kick?!

He stubbles backwards with a groan, "You're still the same, Byun Baekhyun."

"So are you, Park Jung Min. Being second seems to be your hobby."

Jung Min gives him a cold glare.

Baekhyun walks over to me,"Are you alright?"

I give him a small nod as an answer to his question,

"Okay, let's go." He says as he protectively pulls me closer to him.

"Wait..." Jung Min interupts,"Is she... your girlfriend...?"

"Yes," He pauses," and don't you dare touch her again. I won't let you off easy next time." He warns.

As we walk away, I can see Jung Min's hands ball into fists by his sides.


We walk our way to the cafeteria in silence, "Do you know him?" I finally ask.

"Mhmm," Baekhyun replies briefly,"Just remember to stay away from him. That person has problems..."

He doesn't look to happy when he talks about him, so I quickly change the topic,"Where did you learn to fight like that? Are you a ganster or something?" I joke with a small laugh,

"I learn Hapkido, I'm not a gangster Yonghi!" He laughs.

"Really? Woah... that's awesome..."

"Of course. It's not everyday you find an amazing boyfriend that knows how to hapkido someones arse off." He says cheekly, making me giggle.

I'm relieved that he's back to his normal cheerful self.

As we walk into the cafeteria, I see Songkyo and JaeSung sitting together.

Quickly, I pull Baekhyun over to the side with me and we hide behind a wall.

"What are you doing?" He whispers,

"Over there," I say while pointing at the table the two are sitting at," Jaesung and Songkyo are sitting together!"

"Yeah so?"

"You don't know what's going on between them?"

"No..." He thinks for a short while, "Are they having some sort of big fight or something?"

I roll my eyes at him,"No... Jaesung likes Songkyo."

Baekhyun nearly chokes on air when I tell him,"What?!" He yells, evidently surprised,"I did not see that coming.."

월광 (Moonlight) [Baekyeon Fanfic] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now