Chapter 8 ♡ : Unwanted Confession

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This is chapter 8 guisseeee.

e-n-j-o-y \(^~^)/


"Yong Hee! Stop, wait!" Jaesung calls.

I ignore and continue running, I run onto the grass area, somewhere that is far away from the school building. Jaesung is still following from behind, That boy doesn't go away does he?

"What do you want?!" I half scream half cry at him. All I want now is some peace and quiet, and with him around, none of that is going to happen. Hot tears trickle down my cheeks, Today's such a crap day.

"Yong Hee, are you alright? You're not hurt anywhere are you?" His face holds a worried expression. Jaesung puts his hands on my shoulders and slightly turns my body left to right, looking for any wounds.

I shove his hands off of me and push him away,"Keep your distance. I don't want you touching me."

"Yong Hee, I know you didn't hit her. Yu sam always puts on shows like that." He explains.

"Then if you know then why did you follow me here?! You should atleast know that I'd want some peace!." I shove past him, tears are now spilling uncontrollably.

Why can't he just leave me alone?! I don't care if he knows that I was the one hurt! He knows but Baekhyun doesn't. Now Baekhyun is going to think that I'm some bitch that hit his girlfriend.

One day he's going to end up getting hurt if he continues to stay with that little devil.

A hand grabs my wrist, flinging me around,"Yong hee ah -"

"Don't call me like that, we don't even know each other." I spit coldy. I try to get his hand off me but it only makes him hold on tighter.

"Listen to me!" He yells. I flinch at his sudden change in tone, "Can't you just calm down and let me talk?"

"No! I don't want to listen! Just go away!" I beg,"Please."

He doesn't do anything apart from look at me, so I begin hitting his chest, letting out all my anger. I start to sobb and my breaths are uneven, Oh crap... why am I like this?

Jaesung wraps his strong arms around me, trying to hug me, but I continue to fight back and struggle.

After a few minutes I stop. It's too tiring, I feel as if all the energy has been drained out from me, I want the ground to suck me up.

I just stand there, my head in his chest, his arms protectively around me. It feels comfortable but somehow wrong.

"Shh..." He hushes, I whimper in reply.

"I know what type of person Yu sam is."

"No you don't Jaesung. You don't even -"

"She's my ex."

I pull away and stand still for a moment,"Really?" I wipe away my tears, "But t-then.. why, how?" I'm extremely confused.

"I didn't exactly like her, she asked me out... I said yes. I don't know why though." He gazes at the sky for a while, thinking,"But on the first few weeks, I saw what types of things she did to get girls away from me. So I broke up with her. No point in staying with a girl like that."

I scoff, as if you're not a bastard like her.

"I still don't get it. Your personality is... haughty. Violent and rude."

"I know I am. I just treat people I don't like like peasants, bugs."


"And treat the people I like nicely."

Pfft, as if you treat me any better.

" Like I am to you, and Baekhyun." He continues.

ok now that just got confusing.

"So are trying to say you're gay for Baekhyun or...?"

He gives me a surprised look,"What? No! Why would I even? Argh.. forget it."

"No, No. Tell me."

He lets out a fustrated sigh,"I... I."

"Yes...? You what? Hurry up and get to the point please."

"I like you."

Those three words are the last things I want to hear come out of his mouth. "W-What? You w-what?"

"I like you." He repeats, this time a little louder.

I feel heat flush in my cheeks, and I look around, trying to turn my attention to something else.

"But I don't like you." I mumble.

I can see that he's disappointed, hurt. "Then who do you like?"

The bell saves me from having the conversation go on any further,"I need to get to class now. So should you."

I give him a small bow, hoping he'll realise that I only see him as another classmate. Turning my back on him, I speed walk my way to the building. He's not following me, Thank God.

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