Chapter 51 ♢ : Fanmeet

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I can't stop thinking about yesterday's encounter with Baekhyun. What exactly was he doing right out side of the dorm, so early in the morning? Maybe he just wanted to say thankyou for taking care of him when he was drunk the other day.
But he didn't even say thankyou.

"Taeyeon ah." Says Hyoyeon, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Are you alright? You've been looking like this ever since yesterday."
"Looking like what?"
"Like you're thinking really hard."
"It's nothing, don't worry." I tell her.
She looks at me with a curious look, something that you should be afraid of. Whenever she gives you that look, it means she's found out some sort of secret.
"W-why are you looking at me like that?"
Hyoyeon's eyes glimmer with excitement and she shuffles closer to me.
"I know I'm not usually the type of person who cares about these types of things, but... you're thinking about him aren't you?"
I know who she's talking about and my cheeks flush red, "What do you mean him?" I raise my voice a little, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on her. Hyoyeon knows I do that when I'm flustered. Oh, the joys of having someone know you too well.

She continues to give me that look while trying to surpress a laugh. Embarrassed, I shove past her and scurry back to my room.
"Hey! We haven't even finished talking yet!" She yells from behind, chasing me. Ugh, will she let it go already!
Hyoyeon get's to the door before I can close it and forces her way in. Yuri, who's in the room, stares at us confused.
"Yuri, I think Taeyeon has a boyfriend!" She exclaims. Way to go Hyoyeon, shouting it out to the world.
"No I don't." I protest, but by now, the two of them have already started gaining up on me. Yuri and Hyoyeon are literally the detectives of the group, they always notice everything first. Put them together, and you are dead meat if you're trying to hide something.

I quickly hide under my bed covers and dead lock myself inside. Hyoyeon and Yuri jump onto my bed, "Kim Taeyeon, you can't get away with this! We know you have a boyfriend!"
"No I don't!" I repeat again, but they continue to pester me.
"We all know who he is you know. You can't expect us not the suspect something when you've been going out and coming back late." Hyoyeon says in a matter-of-fact tone as she and Yuri use all their strength to pull the covers off me, "We're not stupid you know!" She groans, and with one last, strong pull, they rip my hiding spot away from me.
"Whew," Yuri sighs, wiping her forehead with her sleeve, "finally."

They sit themselves down on my bed with me trapped in the corner, presses against one of my stuffed toys.
"When did you guys start dating?" Hyoyeon questions.
"1876." I joke in a bored tone. Baekhyun and I are not dating, I don't see why I even need to explain myself to them.
Yuri coughs a laugh and Hyoyeon rolls her eyes, "Taeyeon, coorperate please."
"For the last time, I don't have a boyfriend and I'm not dating anyone."
There's a moment of silence and they look at each other with playful but evil smiles.
"We saw you the other day, you know."
I worry for a bit, but I don't know what they could of witnessed.
"Doing what."
They giggle and Hyoyeon wraps an arm around Yuri's neck and they begin to make exaggerated kissing sounds.
"Hey! Hey! Stop that would you." I tell them, putting a hand on Hyoyeon's shoulder, she turns around, flicking her hair behind her shoulder.
"You two were kissing." She says, making sure to emphasise on the word kissing.
My heart beat speeds up and my cheeks and ears burn to the darkest shade of pink. Memories of the kiss replay in my head, still vivid and fresh as if it only happened yesterday.
"W-what are you talking about?" I stutter, but it's already too lateㅡ they can tell I'm lying. Looking at them, I figure that there's no point in dragging this coversation around in a circle.

"Okay! We kissed. But that's all!" I admit, flinging my hands up in the air, surrendering.
Hyoyeon raises a brow, "That's all? Are you freaking kidding me?" She looks at me like I'm crazy or something, "The two of you kissed, and you say 'that's all'. Wow Taeyeon."
"Wait." Yuri says, "So you kissed, but you're not dating him."
I exhale and run a hand through my hair, "No, we're not."

They slump and look at me disappointedly.
"Do you like him though? Baekhyun, I mean." Hyoyeon asks. The mention of his name makes me wince. Damn, these girls sure pick up things fast.
I stare down at the bed sheets. I actually don't know. Do I like Baekhyun? All the things we've done together... they haven't been much, but they sure are meaningful, to me atleast. But the fact that Baekhyun already has another girl... Yonghi. I meet their eyes and sigh,"I-I don't know." I confess. I honestly don't know, my feelings for him are... weird.
"Oh my gosh." Yuri mutters, "If you like him, then you should just go for it."
Her statement has me thinking. But how am I supposed to 'go for it' when I'm confused about my own feelings? I doubt Baekhyun actually likes me... he already has another girl.

Hyoyeon looks back and glances at the clock on the wall, "Oh crap! We're going to be late for the fanmeet!"
The fanmeet! I nearly forgot after all this boyfriend business. The three of us rush to get dressed while the other members are already ready.
"What were you even doing in there?" Asks Jessica, sipping her cup of hot water, "Were you having a party or something? You guys were so loud."
"And you didn't even invite us." Jokes Tiffany, resting her elbows on the counter.
"Forget it." I say simply, taking out a bottle of orange juice from the fridge.
"You're no fun."


I finish signing my autograph onto our album and hand it to a fan. "Thankyou!" The boy says, about somewhere in his teens.
"You're welcome." I reply with a smile. I never knew fanmeets would be this fun. I've always knew that they're fun, but not to this extent.
I play with my marker as I wait for the next fan to come.
"Please sign this for me." A low, dark voice comes from in front, holding out an album. I glance up and see a man, probably around the same age as me, dresses in black.
"Oh, of course." I say while uncapping my marker, "What's your name?"
He doesn't say anything, but after a few seconds he finally tells me, "Jungmin."
The name sounds somewhat familiar to me but I can't recall where I've heard it.
"Do you want me to write anything special, Jungmin?"
A smirk grows on his face that makes my insides churn, "Do you remember me?"
The chills of his voice sends a shiver down my spine.
Just as I'm about to say something, our manager comes up from behind, "Sir, if you're done, please proceed to the next member, thank you."
Jungmin gives him a solemn stare and I can feel the danger radiating off this man.
I quickly hand him back the album and he gives me one last look before leaving.
"Hey, you haven't gone to the other membe-"
"Taeyeon, leave it." My manager says in a serious tone, and he goes and talks with some of the security.

Well that was... scary.
Jungmin. That name... it sounds so familiar.
"Do you remember me?"
His words replay in my head over and over again. No, I don't remember him. But the way he asked he question, maybe he knew me from my past? What if he was a friend? I want to go and find him, but I know I can't. Not now. It would be irresponsible as a leader.
Jungmin. I think to myself. I will make sure we meet again.


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