Chapter 9 ♧ : Hurt

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I walk to class and see many people giving me dirty stares.

"She's such a bitch. Can't believe she would do that."

"What was she thinking?"

"Ugh, just look at her. She's clearly a gold digger."

I can hear all these comments when people think I can't. They're evidently directed at me. I try to hide my face behind my hair and walk faster, someone knocks into my shoulder. My bad shoulder.

My books drop onto the ground as pain shoots up my arm, into my back.

"Watch where you're going. Don't you have some respect for your sunbaenims? Atleast bring your eyes with you when you walk, even though you may not have a brain." Says a tall boy with rough facial features.

"Sorry." I apologize and bow several times before picking up my books. He walks away after calling me a 'Stupid pig'.


Math class is fine, I finish all the set work before my shoulder starts to ache.

I try to massage it but the pain is too much for me to bear, so I leave it.


The school bell rings and I head out. I look for Songkyo but I can't find her, I want to ask her if she would walk home with me today. But I guess not, since she's not here.

Taking my bag out of my locker I roughly shove my text books in and slam the door shut. Swinging my bag over my shoulders I let out a small grunt.


I forgot about my bruised shoulder. I slide the strap off and let my bag hang off my other shoulder.

As I walk outside, the sky seems gloomy. I can see a small gang of girls standing under a tree near the entrance.

It's Yu Sam...

I stop in my tracks and try to look for another way out of school, but there doesn't seem to be one.

Sighing, I readjust the strap of my bag so that it doesn't slip off and walk towards the entrance as fast as I can.

"Hey! YongHi! Where are you going huh? Don't you want to have a play with us?" Shouts Yusam. I try to ignore her but two of her friends join in, "Are you deaf? Can't you hear Yu sam talking to you?"

I bite my lip and try my best to ignore them, but they start to walk over to me.

"Where do you think your going? You really think you can hide from us? There isn't anyone here apart from you and us." Yu sam says.

"Please, I don't want any trouble. Leave me alone."

"I don't think that's going to happen," She replies with a dirty smirk,"Since Song Kyo is no longer our victim, I think we need you to be our new one."

"And why is that?" I ask.

"Let's just say that you took our attention off of her. You were so bold on your first day here. That's not a great move to make when you come to this school." She explains.

"Why is that?"

"You ask too many questions Yonghi. Stop, it annoys me," She fixes my tie for me, which I find extremely odd and weird.

"Ok girls, we can start now."

And with a small wave of her hand, the rest of her friends charge up to me. They begin to slap and punch. I use my arms to cover my face as I am pushed onto the cold ground and continue to be assaulted.

월광 (Moonlight) [Baekyeon Fanfic] DiscontinuedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt