Chapter 7 ♢ : Wronged

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안녕~~~~~ so here is the SEVENTH chapter!!! Once again... hope you enjoy! Please continue on reading the book!! Don't stahp!


Songkyo walks up to me,"What was that?" She asks.

"What do you mean?"

I'm worried that she's going to bring up the thing that happened with Baekhyun and I, but instead she just says, "Yu Sam and her attitude. She's so insecure."

"Haha.. yeah." I mumble.

"I need to go to the toilet Yonghi, you going to come with me?"

"Yeah sure."


We enter the bathroom, but we are greeted by Yu sam and some of her friends sitting near the sink,"Look what we have here." She sings in an amused voice,"Yong Hee, the boyfriend stealing bitch."

"I didn't steal your boyfriend." I defend.

"Shut up. No one cares about your opinion." Hisses one of the girls lazily.


"There she goes again," Butts in another, "Her and her crappy combacks."

"Yong hee, I think we should leave." Song kyo whispers softly while tugging on my sleeve.

"Yeah we should."

We turn around but the girl at the door steps in front of us, blocking our way, with her arms crossed.

"We want to leave. Please move" I try to use my most polite voice to get her to shift, but it doesn't seem to work.

"Are you chickening out? Seeing a fight and walking away?" Yu sam makes a 'tsk tsk' sound," I expected more from you."

"Don't expect anything from me." I reply coldly.

"Well then let's test your limits." She gives the girl at the door a nod,"Close it."

Yu sam slides off the sink bench and walks towards me, I step back, and everyone in the room is watching our every move.

"Stay away from me." I keep my voice firm.

She scoffs and continues walking, like a lion on its prey. Without warning, she takes my hair in her fists and starts to pull.

"AH! What are you doing?! Let go of me!" I yelp. But she doesn't stop, she brings her knee up to my stomach, striking hard. I feel the air in my lungs being knocked out, Don't fight back, that's all she wants from me.

She continues to kick, pull and slap, but I don't give her a reaction, "Fight back you bitch! Why aren't you fighting back?" she screams.

I fall to the floor, a painful sensation runs through my body.

"Yong Hee ah! Why aren't you doing anything?" Song Kyo pleads, "Im Yu Sam! STOP IT!" She tries to get her off me, but the other girls stop her.

I finally can't take anymore.

I catch her wrist and stand up, I move my hand backwards and slap her hard in the face. Her head flings to the side and aims a cold glare at me. I can see her cheek turning crisom red from the hit.

I push her away and she stumbles back, "I told you to stay away."

She charges at me. There's suddenly a banging on the door, "IM YU SAM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?!" it's Baekhyun, why is he here?

The door starts to bump open as he tries to open it.

Yu sam's expression changes and she starts yelling,"AHH! Yong hi get off me!"

She changes positions with me and forces my hands on to her collar. She pretends to fall onto the floor, causing me to fall with her. At that moment, the door flings open, revealing a small throng of students around the door. Baekhyun stands there, his chest heaving up and down.

We both stare at him.

"Kwon yong hi! What are you doing?! Get off of her right now!"

He storms in and roughly takes my hand off of Yu sam and pushes me hard against the wall. I wince in pain as my shoulder takes the hard impact. I can feel it swelling, I was the one being abused, and now I'm being blamed on?

Baekhyun helps Yu sam up and hugs her close by his side, she starts fake cry. What the hell is she doing?!

At that moment, Jaesung comes running in,"Whats happening?"

Baekhyun looks at me, his expression is angry. I can't look into his eyes so I gaze down at the floor.

"You ask her." His voice dark, full of poison.

"I - I didn't do anything! I - I.."

"She hit me Baekhyun!" Yu sam points at me and continues her little show,"I was going to the toilet and then she came in and attacked me."

Is Baekhyun stupid? Can't he see the redness on my body? My messy hair? The little cut on my hand? ARGH!

I can't believe the lies that are spewing out of her mouth, I stare at her in disbelief.

"I can't believe I actually became friends with someone like you." Disappointment and anger is mixed in his voice.

"Yong hi, did you actually do that?" Jaesung questions, his voice is soft.

Why am I being wronged? What did I do? Why do I have to be the one who goes through all of this?!

A glassy and watery layer covers my eye, I don't say anything and just run out the door. I push past the small crowd, I hear Jaesung following me from behind.



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