Chapter 36 ○ : Kidnapped II

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Yonghi's P.O.V:

Jungmin takes Baekhyun by his feet and begins to drag him,"W-where are you taking him..?" I hiccup through tears.

Ignoring my question, he stops when he's at the other side of the shed and roughly drops Baekhyun's legs. Stepping over him, he starts to tie him up with rope.

"What are you doing?" I cry,"Let him go, please Jungmin, I'm begging you..."

"I'm not letting anyone go tonight." He mutters, tightly tying a piece of rope around Baekhyun's ankles.

I sit there in panic, trying my best to think of a way out of this. As long as I save Baekhyun... that's all that matters.

"Jungmin." I say, doing my best to maintain a strong voice even though I feel like breaking right now,"If you let Baekhyun go, t-then... then I'll do anything you want me to do. Anything."

He raises a brow, "Hmm.... it sound's like a pretty good deal, but no," he smiles,"Sorry."

"You can't just let Baekhyun go? He doesn't have anything to do with this!" I yell.

Jungmin turns around to look at me,"He has nothing to do with this?" He scoffs,"Don't make me laugh."

He comes and squats down in front of me,"Baekhyun is partially the reason to why you're here."


He sits on the floor crossing his legs, looking as if he's about to tell some kid a bed time story,"He was always better than me at everything. I hated it of course, I tried not to think too much about it but... I wasn't that type of person. No matter what I did to improve, I couldn't beat him, never. Then..." his voice trails off a little,"I got a girlfriend... I loved her so much you know? But she took my love for granted and treated me like I was nothing. And then one day she dumped me for Baekhyun."

"Who was the girl...?" I ask in a soft voice,

"Oh, you know her." He smirks,

I think for a while, wondering who this girl could be. Wait... could it be...?

"Yu sam.." I say,

"You sure are a smart girl," he chuckles,"but she gets blinded by things so easily, it's not that hard to mulipulate her."

"But how did you know her when you didn't even go to the same school?"

"We went to the same tutor centre, and I took the same hapkido class as Baekhyun," he sighs,"But anyway, after knowing he picked you up, I thought it would be a good choice to get my revenge. It wasn't hard though, honestly. But little did I know how much of a beauty you were, how much your presence made my heart beat at an insane rate."

I feel disguted at his words, they make my stomach churn in discomfort.

"A few weeks later, I figured I was obsessed with you, I went crazy over the thought of you. I felt like I was going crazy... So I started planning on how I could solve the problem." He pauses,"Then I found the answer. I just have to kill you."

My breath hitches in my throat and my heart stops beating. What.

"And Baekhyun just has to watch." He adds, "Best revenge ever." He laughs, admiring his 'genius' idea.

Jungmin bursts out laughing like a lunatic after seeing my horrified expression,"Ahh, I'm enjoying this so much." He says, wiping a tear from his eye.

A slight shuffling noise comes from the other side of the room, Jungmin gets up slowly ,"It looks like I'm going to have some fun with Baekhyun." He claps cheerfully.

월광 (Moonlight) [Baekyeon Fanfic] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now