Chapter 43 ♤ : Audition

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(A few weeks later)

"Mum! I'm leaving now~" I shout throughout the house while slipping on my shoes.

"Oh, okay! Have fun honey! Remember to get some carrots for me on your way home." She reminds me.

I laugh a little,"Alright! I'm going now~"

I swing my school bag over my shoulder and head out the door.

The fresh morning air in Jeonju has to be the best. I plug in my earphones and turn the volume on low as I make my way to school.

Even though none of my memories have come back, I have been having some weird dreams lately, and the even weirder thing is that I've been having the same dream over and over agin for the past few days.

There's always this guy who's in a room and he's crying all the time, mumbling a name that I can never remember even after hearing it. I can't see this persons face, it's continuously blurred out.

I wonder what it means...

I glance at the bracelet on my hand. Maybe that person is the owner of this bracelet? But then again, me with a boyfriend? Don't make me laugh xD

I walk into the school gates and head my classroom.

"Taeyeon!" Someone calls from behind, I turn around and see my friend YoonHa. She's someone I met at church, she's also the one who made me join the church band.

YoonHa is the pianoist and I'm one of the main singers and some other guys play the guitar and violin.

I thought it wouldn't be fun, but it actually is. We meet up twice a week and sing for a few hours.

I not sure if this is true, but maybe in my past I was some sort of singer? I seem to be quiet good at it...

Right now, I want to become a singer. I feel as if it's the only way to help me remember my past, I don't why, but I just have this gut feeling. But apart from that, singing and music has been growing on me the past few weeks, it's now my passion. I can't do anything right apart from singing.

"Yoonha!" I call back, waving at her.

She runs up to me with a piece of paper in her hand,"Taeyeon-ah, look what I got for you~" she sings happily, her eyes lighting up in excitement.

"What is it?"

"Jjan! The SM Entertainment auditions are in a fortnight! You need to sign up quickly!" She squeals in excitement.

Auditions? Sm?

"Woah, woah, woah. Stop right there, who said I'm going to audition?" I tell her, raising a brow. This girl, seriously...

"What. Isnt it your dream to become a singer? Right now is the best chance Taeyeon! It would be a waste if a voice like yours didn't become famous..." she whines.

"I'll think about it, okay?"

"Yes! You better say yes though." She warns in a friendly manner.

I laugh, "Ah I got it!"


SM entertainment... singing... auditioning... SM entertainment....

Those are the only things that have been on my mind for the whole day, "Should I go and audition or not.." I think to myself, I know that auditioning for a company as big as SM ent is something extremely hard.

But it is my dream to become a singer right? I should at least die knowing I tried to achieve my dream with all I've have.

I lift the screen of my laptop up and search up, SM Entertainment Auditions, and click on the 'Audition' button.

After around 15 minutes, I finish signing up.

Now that's done, there's no turning back now.


(The day of the audition - Two weeks later)

"Have you got anything you need?" Asks mum, giving me a proud look, "If you forget anything, just call me okay? I'll make sure I'll come and give it to you."

"It's okay mum, I haven't forgotten anything."

"Alright. But remember, no matter what the result is, your father and I will always support you,"

"Okay Mum, it's not like I'm doing something too serious."

She nods and plants a kiss on my forehead before leaving.

I go to the counter, get my number and sit down in a room. I take steady breaths to calm myself down, I don't think I've been this nervous in my whole life, well.. I don't think I have.

"365, 366, 367, 368, 369! Please enter the auditioning room, thank you." A person shouts in a loud voice, making me jump. 

Oh no! That's me! Oh my god, this is really happening.

Don't worry, Kim Taeyeon. You can do this, you can do this...

I chant in my head.


(weeks later...)

"Taeyeon ah... Taeyeon, get up." Mum calls, shaking me a bit.

"Mmmmhhmm?" I groan, my eyes barely opening from the lack of sleep. I stayed up all day last night to study for a test.

"SM entertainment sent in an email!"

"What?!" I yell, bolting up from my bed, "Already? But I only did my second round of auditions last week."

"I know, I know! Come on, get up sleepy head, we need to open it together."

The two of us rush over to my laptop and stare at the unread email sitting in my inbox.

What if I don't get the place.... then I guess I'll just have to try for a different company right?

My heart beats like a loud drum, beating against my ribs.

"Here we go..."

I move the mouse over and click on the email. My breathing stops as I wait for it to load, it feels like centuries pass before the contents on the page show up.

My hands and knees shake as I scroll down the page:

Hello Ms Kim Taeyeon,

We are delighted to announce that you have been accepted into SM entertainment as a trainee...........

My eyes instantly tear up and I let out a loud squeal, "Oh my god! Mum! I did it! I did it!" I scream, she pulls me into a hug and we both jump up and down in the room, making the floor shake a little.

"I knew you'd be able to do it, daughter! Mum is so proud of you!"


*sulks* this sure is one poorly written chapter.... *sigh* I'm really sorry guys.... im just.. really tired idek.. I feel so out of it for some reason.. so much has been happening and .. yeah.

Hopefully you guys will think it's okay..

sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry :(


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