Chapter 32 ○ : Break Up

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"What the f*ck are you two doing?!" Baekhyun yells, pure anger mixed in his voice. His cuss makes me flinch because he's the type of person who doesn't swear unless he's really, really, really angry or upset.

"Baekhyu-" I say,

"Shut up Yonghi," He spits, venom dripping out from his words.

I'm shocked. He's never talked to me like that before. Not once.

He walks up to us, his anger bottling up with each step. Glaring at the two of us, he shoves a picture in my face," What's this,"

I stare at Baekhyun before slowly adverting my eyes to the picture.

My heart stops beating. Literally.

It's a picture of Jungmin kissing me. When was this picture taken?! This was from months ago.

"No.. Baekhyun it's not lik-"
"I'm so sorry Baekhyun. I really didn't know it would turn out like this.." Jungmin suddenly says, his expression completely changes,"I didn't want to kiss her, but then she kissed me first. I couldn't control myself."

What the hell is he talking about. I look at him in disbelief, so does Baekhyun, but his expression is a bit different, he actually looks like he's believing it.

"JUNGMIN!" I shout,"What the heck are you talking about! Why are you lying?!"

"Yonghi," He says,"I know you don't want to hurt Baekhyun, but the truth is the truth."

I don't even know what to say anymore, I feel so wronged that I can't even speak up for myself.

Baekhyun is staring at me with a serious expression, his eyes filled with confusion, disappointment and anger.

"Are you really going to believe him over me?" I try to reason with him. I don't even know whether I should scream or yell, all I can do is this.

"I dont care who kissed who first. But this photo," he growls, roughly pointing at the picture,"Is hard evidence."

"Baekhyun it's really not like that! You know I wouldn't cheat on you, I-"

"Then if this is all a misunderstanding, then why didn't you tell me anything when this happened?!"

"I didn't want to make things complicated..."

"Then this isn't complicated?" He says in a low voice.

Baekhyun sees the fear in my eyes and softens a bit but he quickly regains his posture,"I thought you were different Yonghi," he sighs, his fist clenching onto the photo tightly,"I really never thought you would do this."


A layer of tears cover his eyes as he looks deep into me, trying to search for some sort of answer. I look at him, hoping that he'll believe me.

"Let's break up." He mutters,"I'm sick of being lied to."

His words feel like a knife being stabbed into my chest, tears quickly rise up, making my nose blocked,"W-what did you say...?" I stutter,"you want to break up?"

My heart begins to slowly rip itself into pieces when Baekhyun looks at me for one last time before running away, throwing the picture clumbled to the floor.

I stand there motionless,"N-no... no..." I whisper,"This can't be happening.."

I collaspe onto the ground, crying,"Baekhyun... please..."

Jungmin crouches down near me,"Well... that was dramatic, but fun," he says amused.

I shoot him a cold glare, hoping it will wipe the dirty smirk off his face, but it only stays.

월광 (Moonlight) [Baekyeon Fanfic] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now