Chapter 42 ♧ : A New Beginning

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Kim Taeyeon:

"Wake up..." Something calls for me in a faded voice, "Wake up..." It calls again.

The darkness that's burrying me under a deep sleep slowly starts to crack away, letting rays of light seep in.

I open my eyes ever so slowly, my eyelids feel heavy and my vision is so blurred I can't see a thing.

I wait for a few minutes before I start to see. I'm in a white room, the only sounds are of me breathing and a beeping sound.

What.. where am I?

Suddenly, the door creaks open and a man walks in. He almost jumps back in shock when he sees me looking at him, but he then comes running over to me with an excited face, "You're awake!" He says happily, "I'll go get the doctor."

Am I in a hospital? What am I doing in a hospital?

I try to remember the reason why I'm here but nothing comes to me. It like I'm here, but my memories are somewhere else.

Soon, a doctor and the man from before come rushing in.

Why are they running?

"Miss, how are you feeling now?" The doctor asks me almost breathless.

I nod my head, my voice feels as if it's being locked in a cage.

"It's fine if you don't feel like talking right now, it's totally normal," He assures, "You've been in coma for 2 months ever since you were brought to the hospital." He tells me, "You were transfered from a hospital in Bucheon to Jeonju."
2 months...?

"This man found you in the sea at night with his friends, they're fishermen. They quickly sent you to the hospital. You've suffered serious injuries to the head and if they didn't find you earlier, you would have lost your life." The doctor explains.

I try to recall the events that he's just talked about, but just like before, nothing comes.

"I-I c..can-t remember." I croak, my voice sounds awful, there's almost no sound coming out.

He looks a bit surprised that I managed to talk,"Do you remember your name, miss? Or where you're from?" He asks.

My name?....

I don't know.

I can't remember.

I don't remember anything.

"No." I tell him.

The doctor gets the idea, nods his and sighs, "This is what I feared..." He tells the man, "I think she's suffering from amnesia."

"But. What? What will we do now?"

"You really can't remember anything?" He asks again.

I nod my head.

"Okay, we'll go arrange for her to have a brain scan." He tells the man, "Then we'll see where to take things from there."


(After the scan)

The doctor studies the diagrams with a frowning face, after a while he places them down and looks at me.

"You are indeed suffering from amnesia... and this type is where cannot remember anything at all. Am I right?" He asks,

"Yes." I whisper.

I feel so confused, lost and empty. It feels as if something really important has been stolen from me... something really precious...

"But." He says.

월광 (Moonlight) [Baekyeon Fanfic] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now