Chapter 17 ♤ : News

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Yonghi's P.O.V:

I hold my breath not knowing what to do.

Should I stop him...?

The door creeks open and the maid from before comes in in an awkward pose, worrying if she had just 'ruined the moment.'

"Jaesung." I whisper,"There's someone here."

He opens his eyes and looks over at the maid,"What is it?"

"A-ah... The car is ready sir. Do you need any help?"

"No, it's fine. Thankyou." He mutters while shuffling off of me.

The maid bows and leaves the room, closing the door. JaeSung glances over at me while rubbing his neck, clearly not knowing what to say after realising what we were about to do.

Several minutes of silence pass, I push myself up and limp off the bed, JaeSung quickly runs over to help me,"Thanks." I say with a groan.

The pain in my arm doesn't seem as bad from before, it's now bearable.

We slowly make our way down the stairs and out the door into the car. The three of us (including the driver) sit quietly. I shift awkawdly in my seat, JaeSung is a bit too close for me to be confortable.

We arrive at the emergency unit of a different hospital from before, it seems like a private one.

"Why aren't we at the other hospital?" I ask.

"Because the doctors here are better." JaeSung shrugs.

"But I don't think I should come here... Private hospitals are too expensive."

"Well you're going in and I don't care if you don't want to! Now let's go!" JaeSung yells, looking at me intensly with his chocolate brown eyes and his eyebrows are knitted into an angry frown.

The sudden change of tone in his voice makes me flinch.

Why is he so angry...?

"O-ok.." I stutter as I give him a worried glance.

The hospital is much more quiter and larger than the public hospital, the doctors are much older and professional looking.

Jaesung goes to the receptionist and has a little talk with her before walking back.

"The doctor is going to be here soon, we need to go to room 12 over there." He instructs while pointing his finger to the door at the left with a fancy number 12 nailed onto it.

I let out a sigh,"Alright let's go.."

He doesn't say anything and just follows me from behind.

What has gotten into him.. he was fine before.

I place my hand on the door knob and the cold metal makes my hand tingle. Stopping, I think for a while,

why on earth is he so mad?

I don't know why it's suddenly bothering me so much, but knowing that Jaesung is somehow pissed at me makes me feel uneasy.

We walk into the room and I shut the door, pressing my back against it.

JaeSung has his back facing me while he stands there with both of his hands on his waist.

"Why are you so angry?" I ask softly.

He tenses and then relaxes,"Why are you so stubborn?" Jaesung shoots back.

"What do you mean stubborn?"

월광 (Moonlight) [Baekyeon Fanfic] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now