Chapter 54 ♢ : Push her away

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The night before

"Doctor, is she going to be alright?" I ask worriedly, I feel as if I'm going to burst into pieces if I don't know whether Taeyeon is okay or not. I couldn't stand watching her go through so much pain.
"Miss Kim is fine now. She should be able to be go home in the morning when she wakes up." He says, "You can go in and see her now. Don't worry to much." He pats me on the shoulder and leaves.

I stand there for a few moments before letting out a sigh of relief and sliding down against the wall. She's alright. I was terrified that her reaction to gaining a part of her memory would result to something else like cancer. I humorlessly laugh at myself, don't be a fool Baekhyun, the Yonghi you know isn't that weak.

Sighing, I stab a hand through my hair and close my eyes. Yonghi...
Even now, I can't believe it. Kim Taeyeon is Kwon Yonghi. For all this time, I was right.
But a part of me fears that it may not be her. That the girl lying in the room in front of me may not be the person I've been longing for all these years, that everything is just a misunderstanding. That Taeyeon is just a girl who looks exactly the same as Yonghi. Lifting myself up, I walk up to the door, pausing slightly as I think about whether I should open it or not. Inside, Taeyeon is sleeping peacefully in the bed, her hair sprawled out on the pillow in neat curls.

Taking a seat next to the bed, I stare at her. The thoughts still lingering in my mind. So this is really her. Kwon Yonghi. The girl I dedicated my whole heart to... even until now. The girl who made me change into a different person. The girl who's smile made it feel as if nothing in the world could hurt me. The girl who I thought was dead, was here, sleeping right in front of me.

She's been alive for all this time.

Pure relief washes over me in an instant and I break down. The wall I built to protect myself comes crashing down as the realization hits me. It feels as if the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders and the guilt and the sorrow I suffered for all these years slowly begin to fade away.
"Thank god you're safe..." I choke, tears spilling out uncontrollably. My face scrunches up as I cry silently, scared that I'll wake her.
I reach out to take her hand in mine, pressing my lips to it and holding it tightly. The familiar feeling makes me tremble, there's no way I'm letting this hand go ever again. Never. I'm not going to watch her go another time.

I notice the silver bracelet with a heart shaped lock hanging securely around her wrist, still perfectly intact.

The gift I gave her many years ago.
I look down at the key shaped necklace resting on my neck. I've never taken it of since that day. I still don't know why I held onto it for so many years, but it was like a reminder that my heart wouldn't be given to anyone else and so that I had something to cling onto so I could remember her. A part of me actually thought I would be able to return this necklace to it's other half someday. I always laughed at myself for being so naive, because a much bigger part of me knew that she wouldn't come back. But I guess the naive side of me won, because here she is. And I just can't believe it. Letting go of her hand, I take off the necklace and hold the tiny key in between my fingers. Am I ready to do this? Even with all the evidence and confirmation, something is screaming at back of my head telling me to back the hell off. Why? Because I don't want to tear myself apart again and watch myself crumble to pieces. But I've already come this far, there's no way I can let her go, even if it means breaking myself again.

Taking a shaky breath, I insert the key inside of the heart shaped lock, and for a few heart stopping seconds I fear that it won't open. But all of that quickly disperses when the bracelet unlocks itself.
I sit there staring at it, not knowing what to feel. So this is one hundred percent Yonghi. One hundred fucking percent. I feel my throat growing uncomfortably tight, hot tears sting my eyes and I quickly wipe them away with the heel of my hand.

월광 (Moonlight) [Baekyeon Fanfic] DiscontinuedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant