Chapter 52 ♡ : Memories

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I walk into SM and make my way to my vocal lesson when Suho from EXO suddenly steps in front of me. I stumble back a bit before bowing to him.
"Are you Kim Taeyeon?" He asks in a deep voice.
His lips curve up into a friendly smile, "Oh good, for a moment I thought I got the wrong person." He says, chuckling to himself.
"Were you looking for me?"
It's a bit surprising that leader of EXO would come up and want to talk to me, I wonder what he wants.
"Some of the members and I are going on a late night gathering this Sunday and we wanted to invite you and your members along." He explains, I look at him confused, still not understanding why he wants to talk to me about this. He sees my expression and explains further, "So it's basically a 'congrats on your debut' party."
"Oh? A party?" The thought of EXO throwing a party for us never crossed my mind, not even once. I stand there, a bit surprised.
"Yeah, so are you guys going to come along or...?"
There's no way that I can turn him down, it's disrespectful. And the party would basically be ruined if we don't turn up.
"Yeah, we will come. Thank you for inviting us."
"No problem." He smiles, beaming, "See you and the girls on Sunday then."
He takes off down the hallway and takes a turn, disappearing from sight.

EXO just invited us to a party, I think to myself, the group that every trainee dreams to be in, just... invited us to a party. I stand there a bit dazed out.

That's awesome.



"Hyoyeon, tell the others that I'll be a bit late to the party and that I'm sorry." I say while sitting at the back of the van taking me to the venue, I had a schedule on and it went a bit over time.
"Oh? Okay, but hurry up and come everyone is waiting for you." She yells over the phone, trying to make herself audible through the loud conversations behind her.
"Alright, see you there."


I finally arrive at the park where I'm supposed to meet the others, but the place is rather empty. Nothing but a few couples and the swaying of trees under the night sky. "Where is everyone." I mutter to myself, "Maybe I'm at the wrong park."
Taking out my handphone, I begin to text the members when a familiar voice calls me from behind.
Spinning around, I see Baekhyun standing there with a cap and face mask on. I don't know how I recognised him straightaway, but I just did.
He beckons me over with a hand guesture and I jog over to him.
"Where are the others?" I ask, as he pulls me behind a tree.
"They all left to get food."
"All nineteen of them?!"
Why would they even need so many people to go and buy food?
"Yeah." He answers back casually, "But I ran into a few fans before and I had to run. I didn't expect to find you here though, you're at the wrong park."
It wasn't until now that I noticed beads of sweat glistening on his forehead, covered by his cap and hair.
A sudden urge to wipe the sweat from his head rushes through me and I take a napkin from my handbag and begin dabbing it against his skin, wiping away the uncomfortable stickiness.

Baekhyun tenses and looks at me, a thousand emotions shining from his eyes, "Look at you, you're all sweaty." I whisper, too busy concentrating on the sweat on his forehead to notice our faces being only inches away from each other and Baekhyun staring at me as if I'm some sort of mysterious creature.
"Oh..." I mutter, feeling uncomfortable and I slowly move my hand away, but his catches it before I can go any further.

I level my gaze with his, his eyes familiar and filled with longing. Suddenly a burst of pain erupts in my head, like as if something has finally broken free after an eternity of pushing. Emotions, memories and feeling all come flying back, pulling and mending themselves together.
My legs buckle, and I give out, letting out a cry of agony. I clutch onto my head as the pain grows more and more unbearable.

Baekhyun catches me before I hit the ground, "Taeyeon, are you alright?" His voice filled with worry, but I'm too distracted by the pain, I can hardly hear what he's saying, "Taeyeon, answer me!"
I wince.
There's flash of a memory, me together with a girl, what was her name again...? Song.. Song kyo. That's it, and a boy standing next to her. Jaesung. Another boy stands by my side, but his face is blurred, his name? I don't know. Scenes of us sitting together on a school oval plays and an overwhelming swirl of emotions hit me, making my stomach churn in discomfort. I let out another strangled scream before the pain dies down, bringing me back to reality, sounds and sight opening back up to me. My lungs gasp out for air and hot tears blur my vision, sliding down my cheeks.

Baekhyun looks down at me, his face tight with worry, "Taeyeon, are you alright?" He brings his hand to cup my cheek, wiping away the aftermath of before.
"I-I remember..." I whisper, my voice surprisingly weak.
"Remember what?"
"Songkyo, Jaesung..." I manage to croak out. His eyes widen and his grip on me tightens, squeezing my shoulders. But I don't notice the pain as the world around me twists and turns.
"D-do you remember anything else...?" He asks. I catch a soft tremble underneath his voice.
I shake my head, too tired to speak anymore, a grave expression masks his face but he doesn't say anything more.
Baekyun pulls me closer to him, hugging me tightly, my face pressed against his chest, the warmth of his body calming me. My eyelids become heavy, but I try to keep them open, not wanting the darkness take me.
"She doesn't remember..." He mumbles in a soft tone, but I'm too exhausted to think about what he's even talking about.

The soft thumping of his heart lulls me into a deep peace, I listen to the sounds around me thin out before I close my eyes and surrender to the darkness.


Long time no see haha xD
I'm not really sure if I'm liking the new wattpad though, it's a bit annoying tbh -.-

BUT WHY DOESN'T TAE REMEMBER BAEK ㅠㅠ *evil laugh* just wait and see :)

Author-nim :3

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