Chapter 50 ♧ : He knows

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Not edited. Sorry for any spelling/grammatical mistakes.



He could be out for Taeyeon.

I quickly put on my shoes and rush out of the building. It's still early in the morning, so there are only a few cars driving on the road. After a while, I finally manage to flag down a taxi to head to SNSD's dorm.

I can't believe he escaped. I let out a fustrated sigh and worridly fiddle with my hands. Why did he come out? What is the reason? If he escaped to attack Taeyeon, I would be ready to kick that bastard back to where he came from. I'm not going to let him hurt another person.

The taxi comes to a halt faster than I think. Paying for the fee and hopping out, I take the elevator up to the dorm. Just as I'm about to press the door bell, my finger stops mid air. Wait. What am I even doing? Going up to a dorm filled with girls early in the morning. I must look like a pervert or something. I scratch the back of my head, "What the hell, Baekhyun?" I hiss at myself, why did I even come here in the first place when I could've just called her? Jungmin won't even know where Taeyeon lives anyway. You're so smart. I think sarcastically.

Turning around, I begin to head off but I stop when I hear a door opening. "Baekhyun-ssi?" A familiar voice says, surprised.

Shit... it's Taeyeon.

I spin around and sheepishly smile at Taeyeon who's holding a bag of rubbish she's about to throw out and looking at me in disbelief. Relief washes through me. I'm so glad to see that she's alright and the Jungmin didn't somehow kidnap her or something.
"Um... did you sleep well?" I blurt out, it's the first thing I can think of, which is absolutely stupid.
"Why are you here...?" She asks, cocking her head to the side.
"U-h ah... haha... you know, I'm just out for my morning run." I laugh while breaking into some stretches. I mentally stab myself for having the most ubelievable and worst excuses in the world.
"Here?" She doesn't look very convinced, but I try to make it flow as best as I can.
"Yes, hahaha.. Anyway, I think I should get going now." I say as I slowly make my way to the elevator, "Bye!"
"Oh, wait a se-"
The doors slide closed and she doesn't get to finish her sentence.

I immediately slump and turn around to bang my head on the elevator wall, "So, so, so, so stupid!"

I quickly glance at my watch, 7:48am.
Crap. I have a schedule at 8:30. Oh my god. Why am I always getting into trouble.
I let out a fustrated groan and sprint out of the elevator, praying that I'll make it in time.

ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ

I go back to the company to get my phone and belongings before meeting up with the other members downstairs near the car park.
"Where were you last night, mister?" Asks Junmyeon hyung in a stern voice as he places a hand on my shoulder. He's obviously pissed at the fact I wasn't back at the dorm yesterday.
"At the company."
"Doing what?" He pushes the questioning further, and gives me a look.
I ignore the question, "Where's Kris hyung?"
Junmyeon sighs and his hand slides off, "I don't know." His expression looks tired, it seems like he didn't get much sleep last night. "We all tried calling him last night, but he wouldn't pick up."
I exhale and massage the brigde of my nose. All of these situations that are happening at once, it's making my head hurt.

First I get the news that Kris is filing a lawsuit against the company, and then it turns out Jungmin has somehow escaped from jail, and he's probably out on the run for Taeyeon.
Just great.

"Hey," Junmyeon says, "Are you alright? You look a bit... off."
"I'm fine," I lie, "it's probably just the lack of sleep."
He doesn't look like he's buying it, but he doesn't question me any further which is good, I don't want to add 'explaining my high school love life to the members' to my pile of problems. Because believe it or not, even though I'm close with my members, they know nothing about Yonghi.

The other seem to be quite stressed about Kris's situation, especially Luhan. He's been checking his phone every five seconds.

During our ride to our schedule, everyone is dead silent. Even the driver looks a bit uneasy. Usually, we would be chatting and joking around with each other, but now, all of us have our earphones plugged in and none of us are willing to speak.

ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ

Night time, after the schedules.

Manager hyung unlocks the door to our dorm and we pour into the house like a pack of lifeless wolves; hungry, tired and upset.
I make my way to my room, alongside with Junmyeon and Sehun, and I fall onto my bed. The feeling of my matress beneath me is so comforting, I'm just glad I can sleep and rest because I'm exhausted.

Suddenly, my phone rings. Groaning, I reach out for it, it's from an unknown number, but I answer it anyway.
"Hello?" I say with my eyes half closed.
"Do you remember me." A cold, deep voice whispers on the other side of the phone. My eyes shoot wide open, chills run down my spine and my stomach twists and turns uncomfortably.
I quickly look at Junmyeon and Sehun who are busy on their phones and head out to talk in the kitchen, where no one can hear.
"What do you want, Jungmin." I hiss, making sure to keep my voice strong and deep.
He chuckles deeply, "You're still quite smart."
I scoff at his statement.
"Meet me tonight in exactly 10 minutes in the alleyway down across your street." He demands. The fact that he knows where my dorm is makes me worried. If he can track down where I am so quickly, I scared to know what will he do with Taeyeon.
"Oh, and more thing." He adds, "If you call the Police, I'll make sure you'll regret." His voice is low and dangerous. As much as I want to report him so that his ass will be thrown back into jail, I know I can't, because He'll end up hurting someone.
"I'll be expecting you." Jungmin says and he hangs up.

I think hard about what he'd might want to talk with me about and whether I should bring a weapon or not, but I realise that there isn't much time left. Heading back to my room, I grab a jacket and rush out of the dorm, leaving no time for my members to ask me anything.

Outside is cold and windy, not to mention dark as well. Tightening my grip around my jacket, I speed walk to the destination Jungmin and I are supposed to meet up. When I arrive, the alleyway is empty and doubt quickly fills my mind as to whether he's got the right address.
But it's not soon before those thoughts fade away. A shadow slips out from the darkness and walks towards my direction. I stand still, unmoving, making sure that I show no weaknesses.

The figure stands in front of me, the dim light of the alleyway only being able to show me his mouth and nose.
"Long time no see." He says as his lips curl into a nasty smirk.
I fight the urge to punch him in the face. It's that very smirk that I remember the most, the one that was consistently shown on that day.
"What do you want." I spit.
Jungmin makes a 'tsk tsk' sound and raises his hand to put on my shoulder but I roughly push it away, "Even after all these years you've still got that rude personality."
I snort, "I only show this 'personality' to you." I growl.
He chuckles and shakes his head, "Anyway... It's nice to see you've been doing so well. I've seen a few of your performances, quite impressive."
"Thanks." I say in a bored tone, "if that's all you wanted to tell me then I'll be leaving now."
I don't even want to spend another second with the monster. Surprisingly, he doesn't say or do anything so I turn around and begin to walk out of the alleyway.
"I know she's still alive." He says.
I tense and stop and face him, "I don't know what you're talking about." I lie.
He tilts his head and smiles a little, "Yonghi." He whispers, "She's alive."
My mind begins to panic, I can't let him know that she's still here, I need to keep her safe.
"No she isn't. She's been dead ever since that day you fucking threw her off that cliff." I grimace at the hell-like memory. Even till now, I still continously have nightmares about it.
"I don't think so, Baekhyun~" He sings, which makes the hair on the back of my neck rise. Well that was totally not creepy.
"I know she's out there." He tells me, "and I think her name is now..." he pretends to think and makes an 'Ahhh' sound, "Kim. Tae. Yeon? Ah, yes yes, that's it."

All the muscles in my body tense and my jaw clenches. How did he already find out?
No, I need to keep this together.
I laugh as if he's told me a hilarious joke, "Don't be ridiculous!"
But Jungmin's expression looks like he knows that I'm hiding something, "I know you know." He whispers. My heart begins the go a thousand miles a second, but I keep my face straight and give him a piercing stare before scoffing, "I don't have time to play your usuless jokes." I spit before turning around to walk away.

I instantly drop the strong face that I was desperately trying to hold and bite my lip nervously.

He knows about Yonghi.


월광 (Moonlight) [Baekyeon Fanfic] DiscontinuedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt