Chapter 20 ♢: First Date

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After School:

I walk out to the front of the school where Baekhyun told me to.

Maybe I shouldn't of been so harsh with Yu Sam, girl cat fights aren't something I enjoy. I'll end up spending too much time thinking about what I to do without involving any teachers...

Deep down, I really just want to go and punch Yu Sam in the face and then tear her limbs out one by one, but that's just not nice. Funny that.

"Yonghi!" A familiar voice calls, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Baekhyun - ah!" I turn and smile, "There you are."

"Sorry, I had to go to the toilet haha..." he laughs, "Anyway, lets go~~"

He playfully places a hand on shoulder and pulls me close, "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know... I was hoping you'd come up with that."

"Hmmm..." he thinks, scratching his head, "Since it's a nice day today, how about we go get something to eat and then go get some ice cream and go to the park?"

"Sounds like a good idea,"

My heart beat starts to pick up. Me all alone with Baekhyun, this is something I have to get used to.

We go into a mini restaurant and order 1 plate of ddeokbokki and soondubu with 2 bowls of rice.

"So how was school?" He asks while taking a mouthful of soup.

"Umm.... It was, interesting." I reply, remembering the fight I had with Yu Sam,"What about you?"

"As usual... Boring, haha," He laughs.

We sit there awkardly eating our meal in silence. Random things begin to pop up in my mind, rainbows, lollies, school, what happened at JaeSung's house and... Baekhyun's kiss.

Omg this is so awkward... why am I even thinking about that stuff right now? This is crazy.

"Yonghi," Baekhyun's voice drags me back into reality.


"About the other day..." he starts.

My heart clenches into a tight ball of fear and embarrasment. Are we really going to talk about this...? I don't want to talk about my first kiss right now.. omg. Please don't talk about it please please please.

"I hope you didn't mind me... uh.." He scratches his neck and looks around awkardly, "Do want a drink haha?"

Relief washes through me, thankgod...

"Yeah sure."

"There's a bubble tea shop down the road over there, we can get some and then go to the park."

"Sounds like a good idea."


The park has couples walking hand in hand and sweet talking to each other, watching them makes me feel awkward. I wonder if he came here with Yu Sam.

I take a mouth full of the creamy bubble tea, "Baekhyun..." I say.


"I know I shouldn't be asking this but... did you come here with Yu Sam?"

He chuckles,"Nope, you're the first person to come here with me."

He sits down near a tree and pats the spot next to him, gesturing me to sit there.

"So are you and JaeSung going out...?"

The question takes me by surprise,"What?! No! I don't even like him..."

"Then who do you like," He asks, his tone is suddenly serious.


"No one."

Baekhyun looks a bit disappointed, but he gives me a forced smile. Leaning back, he lets out a yawn,"Ah... I'm tired," He says, while rubbing his eyes,"I'm going to sleep for now."


Before I can ask him exactly why he would sleep in a park, Baekhyun rests his head on my shoulder and shifts so that the position he's in is more comfortable.

I sit here not knowing what to do, if I move I'm scared he's going to wake up. What should I do? My heart is beating so fast it's about to burst out of my chest.

After a while, Baekhyun suddenly starts to make these whining/puppy sounds.

I look at him, what is this guy...? God he's so cute.

Him making these sounds only make him even more adorable.

My face is only inches away from his, allowing me to take in his neat and handsome features. Why am I doing this again? The hospital and then now...?

But I can help it.

I can't help but to smile as I look at him. I don't know why but I always feel so safe and happy when I'm around him. But I guess it's just the way it is.

I wonder if he feels the same about me...

I softly brush some of his hair away from is face and lean back against the tree.

"Baekhyun... are you really asleep?" I whisper.

A wait for a while but he doesn't move. I smile and sigh.

"Before you asked me if I liked anyone..." I start while playing with my hands, "I actually wanted to ask you the same thing..."

I don't why I'm confessing to him while he's sleeping, but it feels 'safer' in a way, "Why?" I laugh a little and think about everything that has happened between us. The first day we met, our fight and our kiss. I look up to the blue, cloudy sky and say the 3 words I've wanted to tell him a long time ago, "Because... I like you."

There's a short pause before I feel Baekhyun move a little, "Me too." He whispers.


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