Chapter 58 ♧ : Good Timing

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"Good morning, Sunshine," a familiar voice draws me out of my sleep, making me squint my eyes open. My head is rested on something warm, and for a moment I lay there confused before the memories of last night come flowing back, I smile.

    "Good morning, Baekhyun," I reply softly, closing my eyes and snuggling closer to him. Amazingly, we're still in the same position before we fell asleep, and not all over the place. I am usually a very physical sleeper. Whenever I wake up, I'm either on the other end of the bed, or completely off it. Not moving for the whole night is an absolute miracle.

    My head rests his chest with my arms wrapped around him, and his arms hugging my waist with our legs tangled in their own mess. Baekhyun laughs, his voice is hoarse from sleeping, and it's sexy as hell, "Come on, sleepyhead, we need to get up now."
I groan, "Just five more minutes..."
"Okay, fine," he says, kissing my cheek and I giggle.

    I feel happy to be in his arms, it's almost like a dream come true, a scene from a fairytale, and I just can't believe that this is actually happening. Last night was crazy, and I don't think the days ahead are going to be much better. People are going to find out about us, but I don't really care. We're together now, and that's what is important to me. And I must say, this has been the best sleep I've gotten in a long time, maybe we should do this more often.

    A sudden knock on the door makes my eyes snap open.
"Taeyeon," someone calls from outside, "Are you awake yet?"
I scramble up from the bed, hitting my head against the wall, "Argh!" I groan, rubbing my hand on the soreness. A bruise is definitely going to be there in a few hours.
"Are you alright?" Baekhyun whispers in a small voice.
I nod and point to the door, "It's Tiffany."
And she just had to pick the best time to come.
"Taeyeon, are you in there?" She calls again.

    I get off the bed, so does Baekhyun and I move my hand in the direction of the closet.
"You want me to hide in there?" He whispers.
"Yes, hurry get in!"
"Taeyeon!" Tiffany shouts,
"YES I'M AWAKE. I'LL BE OUT IN FIVE MINUTES!" I yell back at her, feeling a little annoyed.
"Can I come in?" She asks as I close the closet door on Baekhyun, mouthing a 'sorry' to him, he smirks, clearly finding the situation amusing.
"N-no! Just wait outside!" I tell her, rushing into the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and fix my hair before getting changed. Baekhyun is sitting back on the bed when I come out of the bathroom.
"Text me a smiley face or something when you and Tiffany are off this floor, then I'll leave." He says quietly,
"Okay, got it,"
I grab my phone and purse, and give him a quick peck on the cheek.
"See you later," He smiles.
I wave back at him and open the door slightly before sliding out and closing it behind me immediately. Tiffany gives me a weird look and attempts to peek inside.

   "Good morning!" I say in a cheery voice, trying to avert her attention, "What's on for breakfast?"
"There's a breakfast buffet downstairs, so... anything?"
    We arrive at the buffet in a few minutes with the rest of the members and I text Baekhyun a thumbs up as a signal to leave my room.


    Both Baekhyun and I recieve a call the following night from our managers, asking us to meet them at the same time, and at the same room.
"Did they find out already?" I ask Baekhyun, feeling both scared and worried.
His eyebrows knit together, "Maybe. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
I let out shaky sigh, and bite my lip. Tonight was supposed to be a relaxing night after another SMTOWN concert, but I guess not.
"What's wrong, Taeyeon?"
Baekhyun places his hands on my shoulders and turns me around to face him.
"I don't know... everything is just happening so suddenly, with the dating and the company and my feelings, I just... feel so confused and-"
"Shhh, baby, don't worry," he stops me and pulls me in for a hug, "everything is going to be alright. I'm here, you have me, and I won't let anything happen to you."
    His words make me melt right to the core and I hug my arms around his waist and inhale his scent, calming my thoughts and everything around me.
"Well, we've got something to go to now, so let's go." He slides his hand down my arm and pauses when he entwines our fingers together.

Talking with the Managers

    "We are going to get straight to the point." Says exo's manager with a serious expression, "the company recieved this from dispatch today."
He slides two pictures towards us and my jaw drops to the ground.

    One of the pictures are of Baekhyun and I making out, and the other is the two of us together hiding behind a bush. The pictures aren't clear, but I can recognise us straight away. My manager takes time to study my face before finally speaking, "Dispatch say that there are more photos worse than these ones." Baekhyun leans back into his chair, looking way too calm than he should be.
"So what will happen with those pictures?" He asks.
"Dispatch will write an article and post it out to the public whether we confirm your relationship or not."
"So I want you to be honest with me," says exo's manager, "are you two dating or not?" He looks at me straight in the eye, and I don't know what to say.
"We are." Baekhyun admits.

    Both of the managers look at each other, and I can't help but to feel an enormous amount of hate towards Dispatch, and to whoever stalked us and took the pictures.
"Congratulations then!" Says my manager, and I look at him confused, but he seems to look happy, "I hope your relationship lasts long AND," he raises a finger at us, "just make sure that you two take your work seriously and use protection."

    Baekhyun starts coughing and my eyes widen from surprise, "Oppa! Did you have to say that?" Heat crawls to my cheeks. I know that he can be embarrasing sometimes, but that was really uncalled for.
"What? I'm just telling you to be careful."
He laughs, "You two are young people with raging hormones, don't be too shy about it. It's natural."
Oh my gosh, I really want to duck tape his mouth. Exo's manager joins in laughing, and the two managers head out the door.

    "Well that was... interesting." Baekhyun says, looking at the direction the managers left in.
"You don't say."



Not my best work, but I wanted to make sure to update on christmas :)

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