Chapter 31 ¤ : Framed

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One month later

Baekhyun's P.O.V:

I shove my books into my small metal cage after a long, tiring lesson on math. Even though the exams are over, the teachers still give you a crazy amount of work.

Overall, the exams went pretty well for Yonghi and I; we're going to Namsan after the camp. I want to surprise her with something special since it's nearly our 8th month anniversary.

I begin to make my way to meet up to the cafe, but Yusam suddenly steps out from a classroom, blocking my way.

"Ugh... Can you please move?" I ask in an annoyed voice,"You're in the way,"

She gives me scoff and looks at me up and down, judging me. Even after our break up, which was ages ago, we can't properly talk without her clinging onto me and me trying to push her off. She's just like a leech... she just won't let go.

"Well... I would, but I can't becuase I have something to tell you," She says, I instantly roll my eyes and look away with a sigh, not this again.

I honestly don't like having to dislike someone so much, but she's been doing these things ever since we ended our relationship, and I just can't stand her anymore.

"What is it," I ask in a monotone, almost sure that it's going to be something stupid.

"I know I shouldn't be showing this to you, but I just don't like how you're being played with," She smirks evily. I don't know whether I should be worried or not, because it isn't a good thing when she does that infamous look of hers.

"What are you talking about," I ask, disinterested.

She doesn't say anything, and just hands me a picture, she looks at me with an uneasy glint in her eyes, as if she knows she's won something.

Taking the picture, I see a blurry picture of a girl up against a wall with a boy kissing. I look more closely, and see that the girl shockingly resembles Yonghi. My eyes grow wide and my anger runs through my veins,"What is this," I say through my clenched teeth, trying to stay calm.

"Just a picture of your girlfriend and Jungmin," She answers, shrugging it off like it's no big deal.

No this can't be. Yonghi wouldn't do this to me.

Unable to believe what I'm seeing, I push past Yusam and run to the find Yonghi,"There's just no way."

"Yah! Where are you going oppa!" She yells from behind.


Yonghi's P.O.V

I sit in the cafeteria and wait for Baekhyun, aimlessly poking at my food. I suddenly feel really uneasy, but It's not like I've done anything wrong right?

"Hey, Yonghi are you okay?" Says Songkyo with a worried look,"Are you feeling unwell?"

"No... I'm fine,"

My phone buzzes for a short moment, making a quiet 'beep' sound.

Meet me in the oval. I want to tell you something.
You better come now or else I'll go in and find you.

My heart stops in both fear and disgust, What the hell is wrong with him? A part of me tells me that I should go, and the other part tells me that I shouldn't. But I don't want Baekhyun to get the wrong idea or have Jungmin make a scene, so I decide that I should go,"I'm going to the toilet," I tell Songkyo,


You can tell that she's worried,"Do you want me to go with you?" She asks,

"No, it's alright."

Making my way out to the oval, I'm scared as to what he wants to say or do. We haven't talked once after the incident with the note, but he has still been looking at me from afar, which is undoubtly creepy and uncomfortable. And yes, of couse, I've been trying to avoid him with all my might, but he's in the same class and school as me, so it's kind of hard not to bump into him once in a while.

Through the groups of students playing basketball and soccer, I see a black silhouette standing near a tree. That must be him.

Making my way up, serveral thoughts start to pop up into my head,
Should I turn back now? He won't know where I am anyway.
Baekhyun us probably in there waiting for me right now, I don't want to be late right? I know it's not safe to go anywhere near Jungmin but I'm scared about what he may do. What if he comes up to me when I'm with Baekhyun? Then there's going to be a misunderstanding.

But I build up the courage and walk up to Jungmin,"What do you want," I say with a strong voice.

"Ooh, you really came."

I roll my eyes,"Stop saying crap, now just tell me what you need to tell me so that I can go."

He chuckles deeply, making my insides feel dreadfully uncomfortable,"Oh.. I don't think it'll be that easy Yonghi."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want to play a game?" He asks out of the blue, avoiding my question,

I stand there, not knowing what to say. Jungmin sees my confused expression and smirks,"I said, do you want to play a game."

It's more like a statement than a question.

"N-no," I finally blurt out.

He leans in close to my ear, I try stand back but he grabs my wrist keeping me in place,"It'll be fun." He promises with a creepy smile.

I fling his hand off me,"I said no!"

He chuckles, looking far out into the distance,"Don't be too sure."

And with that, he grabs my shoulders and pushes me into his chest. Everything is too fast for me to react, before I know it, my whole body in trapped in his arms.

This whole feeling is disgusting, not right, horrid. My stomach churns uncomfortably,"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" I yell, stuggling to set myself free, but he's just too strong for me to beat.

There's the noise of crunching leaves and footsteps close by, but it stops.

I see Jungmin smirk, and his arms let go of me. Confused, I slowly turn around and see the person I least want to see here right now.


A fast update, YAY ♡

Ah... it always seems like my chapters end like this *sigh*.

Was this chapter alright? Please COMMENT and VOTE I'm really loosing motivation in writing for some reason....

huhuhu ㅠㅠ

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