Chapter 56 ♡ : Make Up

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A few weeks later

After the day I had lunch with Sehun, spending time with him in the afternoons has become a daily routine for me. We're good friends now. At first, I would usually go to see Exo because of Baekhyun, but that's changed. The awkward silence between Baekhyun and I has gone by a little, but it's still there, unfortunately. I've tried to talk to him on several occasions, but he always says he's 'got something to do' or, he's busy. He's been avoiding me like the plague. So I eventually stopped trying, and my now occasional afternoon meetings are to go get lunch with Sehun.

We sit down on the top of the stairway, it's just the two of us.
"So how's your day been, Taeyeon?" Sehun asks, taking a bite from his sandwich.
"It's been normal. Dance practice, singing practice, rest, dance practice, schedules."
He sighs, "Same with me. But it's all worth it right?"
"Yeah, of course it is." I smile at the thought of performing in front of the fans. Being up on stage just feels so surreal, it's the best feeling in the world. Many people may feel shy, nervous or exposed, but I just feel free and happy.
"You ready for the SM town concert?"
"Do you have any collaborations?"
I shake my head, "Do you?"
"Yeah," He says, "With BoA."
"Lucky duck."
"That's what everyone says." He sasses, "I know, I'm fabulous."
I snort out a laugh at his remark and he looks at me, "You think I'm joking?"
I stop and raise a brow, "What, don't tell me you're serious." Sometimes Sehun's sassiness can get a little out of hand.
He puts down his bowl and reaches over to tickle me. I yelp in surprise and squirm around giggling.
"C'mon Taeyeon, admit it!" He chuckles, continuing to tickle me.
"Okay! You're fabulous! Sehun! You're fabulous, oh my god!'' I squeal, trying to catch my breath.
He finally stops, and I wipe the tears from my eyes. When I look up, I see Baekhyun standing at the bottom of the stairs, staring at us with hard eyes.
"Hyung... why are you here?"
"I was just passing by." He grits out, his eyes glued to mine.
"Have you had lunch?"
"I think I've lost my appetite." Baekhyun mutters, finally looking away from me, and he walks away with his hands clenched by his sides.
Geez, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.
"What's up with him?" I ask.
"I don't know. That's the first time I've ever seen him like that." Sehun says, he looks a bit shocked.


After the SMTown concert


The whole of EXO and Super Junior are inside of a hotel room having an after party that consists mostly of alcohol.
"To the many years ahead of us!" Shouts a drunk Lay, raising his cup, "Cheers!"
"Cheers!" Everyone follows, taking a long gulp.
The alcohol goes down into my stomach and leaves a trail of fire. I'm not good with alcohol, after a few drinks I go crazy. But tonight seems to be an exception, after two whole bottles of Soju, I feel light headed and a bit tispy, but I don't feel like passing out like I should.
The clock on the wall ticks from 9pm to 1am, and most of Super Junior and our members have already left. The only ones in the extremely messy hotel room are Sehun, Chanyeol, Jongdae and Minseok. Were still drinking and chatting about random things like how good watermelons taste, or how it would be cool if our super powers were real.
Yes, I know, we have extremely weird conversations when we're drunk.
"You know guys..." Minseok slurs, "I once knew this girl, but..." he suddenly begins to make these odd crying sounds, and lifts his head up, "Pour me some more!"
Chanyeol manages to grab ahold of the bottle after several attemps and pours him a glass, half of the bottle spilling all over the table, but I'm too drunk to care about that right now. F*ck all this crap, Jungmin can go stuff himself. And Taeyeon...
"Guys..." I say, very slowly.
They respond with groans and hiccups, "What do I do if there's girl I like, but there's things stopping me from getting her. What should I do?" I say, my words struggling to be clear.
Jongdae looks at me, "F*ck them!" His sudden profanity surprises me, "Just go and get her, who cares about..." His voice trails off and he passes out on the table.
"What he said," said Minseok, jerking his thumb at the passed out Jongdae, "If you like her, that's all that matters. If there's anything stopping you and her from being together,you need to keep and protect her from it... you just got to do that," he takes another shot of soju, "Or else how can you call yourself a man?!" He screams in my face, making me flinch.
Minseok hyung is very talkative when he's drunk, maybe he should have a bottle or two before going on shows.
"Exactly, Baekhyun. If you truly liked or LOVED her, you shouldn't be such an ass..." Chanyeol mumbles, trying hard to stay awake.
They're right. Why should I care about Jungmin? I should just protect her. I've waited so long for her, how could I just let her go like this.
It suddenly feels like everything makes sense. My senses snap back and I jump out of my seat, I need to go find her.



I lay in the dark hotel room as I gaze out into the view. It would be nice if I could talk to someone right now, but I don't have a roommate and it's almost 2 in the morning. I don't want to annoy the others. A knock on my door startles me, who would be here at this time of the night?

Getting up, I head over to the door and peep out of the peep hole.
I unlock and open the door, "What are you doing here, Baekhyun?" I whisper, he looks up at me and I can suddenly smell alcohol, making my nose wrinkle. "Have you been drinking, again ?"
Why is it that he always finds me when he's drunk?
"Do you even know what time it is? You should be ㅡ"

Before I can react, my whole body is pushed against the wall and Baekhyun's lips crash onto mine. All I can taste is alcohol and I struggle to get him off me, but he pins my arms by my sides and deepens the kiss. It's not long before I find myself kissing him back, even though I'm embarrased to admit it, I've missed this feeling so much. Baekhyun's lips are soft against mine and his kiss is filled with need and passion. Everything in my mind has stopped and all I can think of is his lips on mine. Baekhyun releases my arms and fly to his soft hair, tangling them in it. Instinctively, I push my body against his, and he let's out a moan and pulls away, leaving the both of us breathless.
"You do not know how much I've missed you." He whispers in my ear, his breath softly fanning the side of my face, making a shiver go down my spine. I don't respond to his statement and take his mouth in mine again, a sudden urge and need for him. His hands lift me and I wrap my legs around his waist.
"Oh my god." He grunts between the kiss, "You're going to make me go crazy, Taeyeon."
I let out a small groan, I don't know why my body is reacting this way, but all I know is that I need more.
Baekhyun moves us off from the wall and in a few moments my back comes in contact with the mattress, with him on top of me. His hands slide up the sides of my waist, and his lips break away from mine, making a trail of hot kisses down my jaw. My senses soak in all the pleasure and my body feels as if it's on fire.
"Baekhyun.." I rasp.
I close my eyes and my back arches off the bed as he continues. But suddenly something in my mind snaps, and I realise what we're doing. My eyes shoot open, and I push Baekhyun off me, my face flushing red.
"What's the matter?" He asks, breathing hard.
I feel so stupid, letting him do that to me after basically 'dumping' me and ignoring me for weeks.
"Why are you here?"
"What do you mean?"
I shoot him a glare, "You treat me as if I didn't exist for weeks, and you suddenly rock up at my room in the middle of the night!" I find it hard to contain myself, "What makes you think you had the right to come in here and do that to me?!"
I don't care if it's partially my fault for leading him on, he's hurt me, deeply.
"Taeyeon, look." He says.
I grab the closest thing to me (a pillow) and start to hit him with it, ashamed that I let him do that, fustrated that I couldn't stop him earlier and angry that he left me.
"You - complete - ARSE - Byun - Baekhyun!" I punctuate every word with a hit.
He let's me hit him for the first few as if admitting how much of a bastard he was, but he soon grabs me by the wrists and stops me.
His brown eyes stare into mine and I start to find it hard to catch my breath.
"I'm really sorry, Taeyeon." He says, his voice raw with emotion, "I really am..."


Heya guys ^ ^
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And tysm for the 100k reads!! You guys are amazing!

Did you think I'd stop writing 'Moonlight' because of Baekhyun and Taeyeon's alleged breakup? HAHA no, of course not! Even though the updates will be slow, they're gonna be coming either way ♡

Keep on shipping lovlies :*


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