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I know damn well some of ya'll skipped that info page (T^T) . Go read it or don't. All I'm saying is if you find something out you didn't want to, it's your own fault.

Also this is just a prologue, so it's gonna be short.


It was finally over.

Deku had finally defeated 'All For One', along with the help of many pro-heroes and he's friends of class 1-A. It was a draining battle. The hero society and the world had lost so much; amazing heroes, citizens and cities had fallen due to AFO's overtake but it had finally been taken care of.

Yes, Deku had lost his way through it at some point, having to sacrifice so much in order to protect the people he cared about.

He left UA, he left All Might, his mentor, but it was done all for them and if their was any other way for things to happen he would of taken it. Unfortunately there wasn't enough time to think of possible-risk-taking solutions.

His eyes were closed, a smile on his face as he fell from the sky, completely at peace, knowing that the world was now safe from AFO's wrath. In his last seconds he thought.

I hope Kacchan becomes the number one hero like he wanted.

I hope mom will be okay.

I hope I reached All Might's expectations.

I hope I became someone's 'Symbol of Peace'. Even if it was for a moment.

I hope everyone recovers and are safe.

Todoroki-kun, I hope you and your family gets peace from now on.

Iida-kun, I hope you know that you've lived up to your brother's hero name an exceeded his expectations of you.

And Uraraka-San... Thank you, for everything and for being my first friend.

His tears fell as he realized he'd never see them again. Unfortunately his body was numb and he couldn't save himself even if he wanted to. He accepted his fate.

"Thank you," he whispered to himself.

"For what?" a familiar voice sounded and his eyes shot open. He could only move his head and so he tilted it looking everywhere until he faced his right.

The brunette's hair gracefully moving in different directions, Izuku was shocked for a moment before he noticed that he was no longer falling from the sky at high-speed, but floating. It took him a second to realize it was because of Ochako's quirk.

"You didn't think just because you saved the world no-one was able to save you, right?" she joked. He took a look at her appearance and worry flooded him. She was a mess to say the least but unharmed from what he could see.

"Uraraka-san! Are you hurt?" he tried moving but a pained yell came from him.

"Oh, Deku-kun. You're in the worst shape but still worrying about everyone else. Nothings changed," she frowned. They were nearing the ground from Ochako's view and prepared herself to carry him.

Once she released them, he landed in her arms and she slowly dropped him onto the floor.

"Recovery Girl, should be on her way," Ochako stated and Izuku sighed. She looked down and almost teared up at seeing his beat up condition. This wasn't the time to cry she thought. She'd stay strong for him. All Might knows, he'd start worrying if she were to cry.

"You're a real dummy, y'know?" she shook her head with a smile. She hadn't seen him since he left UA and had given everyone letters. Right now she wouldn't even question him about his quirk -All Might's- quirk. She didn't even care at this point. She just wanted him to be okay.

"I'm sorry," he closed his eyes. He didn't want to leave them but he had to do what was right. He'd rather leave then let his friends get hurt.

"You should be," she pouted playfully making Izuku smile. He finally smiled. She thought.

"I'll apologize when I see everyone. I guess they probably hate me," he said with guilt lacing his tone, but Ochako sent him a reassuring smile.

"If anything they're all worrying about you, even Bakugou. It took the whole class to stop him and Todoroki-kun to come after you," she said before added," I almost considered helping them get you back," she smiled.

"Everyone is okay though?" Izuku asked and she nodded.

After letting Izuku rest for a bit, Recovery Girl finally arrived. She was not at all pleased by Izuku's appearance. He really took a beating. A normal person would of died by now.

Unfortunately because Izuku needed energy to get better, Recovery couldn't help much. Deku ended up falling asleep since the last of his energy was drained to heal him.

Soon everyone else had arrived and was relieved to see that Izuku was okay, but this was a time they'd never forget.

Deku. World Hero. Our new 'Symbol of Peace'.

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