Day Off

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Ochako was told to stay in the dorm for a whole day. After the incident with Toga, Asui wanted to make sure her best friend was alright before putting her back on patrol. Although Ochako worried about the LOV, her mind had been on Izuku most of the time.

After the phone call with him, the day just seemed to drag.

It was finally 13:00 (01:00) and Ochako lied around in the common room playing games on her phone.

Why did I have to take it easy? I'm fine, they should just let me work already.

She complained all morning to herself and that's when it all went to her stomach.

"I'm hungry," she sighed.

"Same," a familiar voice sounded and Ochako shrieked in surprise before falling off the couch.

The culprit walked through the laundry room door and stared at her.

"Bakugo, what are you doing here?" she asked and followed him to the kitchen. She sat on a bar stool at the kitchen island and watched him search through cupboards.

"Jeanist let me take the day off. One of his side-kicks said he had important business today and that he didn't want to leave me there at the agency," he explained, Ochako just nodding her head.

Ochako suddenly felt nervous.

"D-Did you sleep here last night?" she asked and he stopped what he was doing. He looked up at her and smirked.

"What's that face supposed to mean?!" she questioned now very worried.

"You tell me," he chuckled. Ochako wanted the ground to swallow her whole and just die of embarrassment.

She started whining in her seat like a child.

"At least the nerd had the balls to fuck you, but I don't wanna hear that shit ever again," he cringed and Ochako's faced turned beet red. She hid her face behind her hands and groaned in embarrassment. Her day couldn't get any worse.

When she actually thought about it, she'd never want to tell Mina and Hagakure about it ever. They'd make it even more embarrassing, she'd probably die after that.

She just kept sighing until Bakugo placed a bowl of ramen in front of her.

"For me?" she asked excitedly. Bakugo was still him of course. A great cook but never wanted to make things for others unless his friends begged him.

"Don't tell the others," he said and she nodded while breaking apart her chopsticks. A few moments passed and she realized that-

When did Bakugo find out we were seeing each other?!

"How did you know Deku-kun and me-"

"After that day in class, you guys seemed different, then I put two and two together. You guys kept it a secret and it wasn't my business to tell anyone anyway," he explained, relieving Ochako of her worried.

"Does Deku-kun know?" she asked, but Bakugo shook his head. The girl slowly nodded before eating her ramen once again.

Time didn't speed up at all and she ended up alone in her room. Bakugo said he was going to do some extra training in the gym.

What do I do? It's only...14:58! (02:58)

She sighed.

It was going to be a long day


Unfortunately, it the day seemed never ending for Izuku.

He was stuck learning how to do paperwork and proper hero reports all morning, but now he was fighting a villain that had robbed the bank.

The man had a quirk that paralyzed anything he touched. The only thing is he could either remove the quirk or you'd have to wait 24 hours to be able to move again. This quirk worked on non-living things as well.

[Example: if he touched a ball, the ball wouldn't move even if you tried to kick it]

Izuku had be using he long range attacks but the guy was flexible and clearly wasn't just a half-assed thief.

What shocked Izuku the most was when he used his air flick, the man just held up his hand and as it touched him, the air shot had stopped.

The man used it against Izuku and lured him to his spot before releasing the paralysis. Izuku's flick shot hitting him in the back. He groaned before staring at the villain.

His quirk is a real pain in the ass.

Izuku decided that he wasn't going to take it easy. The sooner he captured this guy, there would be less casualties.

He activated OFA, his speed increasing to 50%. He then, faster than one could see, captured the villain and cuffed him in the quirk disable cuffs.

Izuku sighed, he should of done that in the first place, but then he looked around. He had broken a few windows because of his speed. He internally groaned.

"Thank you, Deku," a police officer said before taking the villain into a van. A few of the bystanders cheered Izuku on and asked for autographs from their new symbol.

Izuku gladly did so.

After a long time of signing and selfies, Izuku left to write a report on the situation.

When he made it to Mirio's agency, he found himself staring into space. He had two hours left before he could check in for the day.

I want to call her.


Ochako found herself waiting on a certain call. She was 'patient' whole day but now she wanted to hear his voice.

Her phone rang making her quickly answer.


"Ochako-chan," Asui said making the girl sigh, "Glad to hear from you too," the frog girl sassed making the brunette apologies.

"Sorry, Tsu-chan. I was expecting someone else," she admitted peaking her friend's interest.



"Anyways, tomorrow you'll be coming in. Ryukyu said to inform you, unless you're not feeling better-"

"I've been okay, all day. Yes, I'm coming tomorrow!" she interrupted.

Asui laughed through the phone before she sobered up and called for Ochako again.

"We have a lead on Toga," she informed and Ochako sat back up, her worries all coming back to her.

She didn't want to think about it today, luckily her mind was on Izuku but all good times come to an end and you just have to face reality.

Ochako wished she could stay in dream land a little longer but life isn't fair at all. Not even after all the good things anyone has done.


"She's planning to free the rest of the League of Villains,"

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