Deku's Gift

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[⚠ Smut ⚠]
I kind of experimented with this chapter.

Enjoy ♥

"Midoriya!" Mina called. Izuku faced towards the alien like girl with a smile. They boys were clearing up the place since the class planned a movie night with all Christmas movies. The idea came from Mina herself. All for her 'Izoucha Christmas operation', ICO for short.

"Ashido-san, we're almost done with the set up for the movie-"

"The girl's and I will handle your duties! Uraraka said she left a gift for you in your room," Mina stated trying to drag Izuku to the elevator.

"Really? I'll check it out after the movie-"

"No, no! She wants you to see it now, don't worry about anything. It's not like you'll miss the movie night or anything," she lied behind an innocent smile. Izuku shook his head at the girl's strange behaviour before nodding.

"Alright, I'll be back soon," he said heading up to his room.

Sure you will.

Mina smirked victoriously then proceeded to tell everyone Izuku was sleeping in early. The boys wouldn't think too much about where Ochako was so the girls were in the clear.

Back in Izuku's room, Ochako stared at herself in the mirror.

Mina had given her a santa outfit which consisted of a red fluffy skirt that barely cover her butt at all. The sweater, which was actually a bra, just a size to small. Her breast being fully exposed. She wore thigh-high socks that made her legs look thicker than usual.To top it all off was her Christmas hat.

A deep blush coated her cheeks. She was actually going through this very sudden plan.

She heard the elevator doors open due to the silent hallway. Her nerves picking up as she stood in the middle of his room. The lights turned off, with candle lights keeping the room at least a bit lively to set the mood.

Apparently her role tonight was to be confident. She'd have to use her best acting skills, it was all for him after all.

Izuku walked slowly towards his dorm. He wondered what type of gift Ochako had left for him, but decided not to get his hopes up oo much, thinking it was that All Might merch he'd been thinking of buying recently.

Izuku opened his already unlocked door, looking inside his room until his eyes landed on the brunette.

He's almost had a heart attack as he looked over her appearance. His heart beat not the only thing rising.

"Och.. ko," he gulped after closing the door behind him. He was blushing deeply, not expecting this at all. He was the one to usually initiate things so this was quite the surprise.

As if her personality had been switched, Ochako sent him a lustful smile.

"Izuku~" she called stepping towards him. Izuku was too in shock to understand what was happening, he felt intimidated for once.

Her hand reached his cheek, slowly making their way down his chest as she stared up at him, her eyes completely filled with passion and desire. Izuku had never seen her this way before, so he got almost excited. Before he could even touch her she pulled on his shirt, dragging him towards the bed, before pushing him down onto it.

Before GraduationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang