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[⚠ Slightly mature (not exactly smut, almost like after-care)⚠]

The LOV was captured once again. The escape hadn't reached the media so no-one made a big fuss and the city didn't go into a panic. Hopefully the heroes could keep this under wraps.

That night Izuku and Ochako were at the police station till late in the evening. They had come back to the dorms when everyone was already asleep and all the lights were turned off. Of course the other teachers were informed about the incident, so Aizawa didn't have to give the pair a lecture for staying out pass curfew.

They made it into the elevator, both exhausted. Ochako let out a yawn and leaned her body onto Izuku. The boy was tired himself, but could muster up a little strength to get the brunette to bed.

When the doors to the elevator opened, he picked Ochako up, bridal style. She was a bit shocked, but too tired to show as she began falling asleep in his arm, the body warmth radiating off him enough to cuddle against his chest.

Her door was unlocked and he opened it without too much struggle since she was in his arms. When they made it inside, Izuku walked straight to the bed and lied her down. He helped her half-asleep self to get undressed. Izuku blushed a bit even though his already seen everything, but this was basically looking without consent. He faced away.

"You're funny Izuku," she said, her mind not functioning properly. Izuku smiled and tucked her in.

He was about to leave when she pulled on his shirt.

"I can't stay this time Ochako. Everyone's here," he chuckled, placing a kiss on her forehead, the girl already in a deep sleep.

Izuku took her dirty and bloody clothes with him. The class didn't know about the incident yet so they couldn't put their clothes on the laundry room.

He was back in his dorm, immediately heading to the bathroom. He dropped the clothes on the floor and started stripping from his dirty ones too.

He needed a shower, he smelled of fire and dirt. Not a good combination.

The water was red, it was his blood. The dirt washing off made him feel fresh, but the uneasy feeling still lingered on his skin like filth.

He couldn't stop Stain from escaping, again. He thought the LOV was the problem but clearly Stain is the new master mind.

Izuku sighed and stopped the water, clogging up the bath tub and throwing his and Ochako's clothes in. He'd let them soak out and clean them later, he was too exhausted to do anything.

He landed on his bed and was out the moment his head hit the pillows. He'll worry about it the next day and relax for now.


The sun was shining, the alarm clock going off, making the peaceful atmosphere crumble.

She groaned.

Switching off the alarm on her phone and dragging herself to the bathroom in the morning seemed to be the most difficult chore for her. She'd much rather stay in bed, but life wasn't fair.

She took one glance in the mirror and honestly just wanted to throw herself off the balcony.

"I look disgusting," she then sniffed herself,"And I smell like death," she groaned, turning on her shower and stripping from her night clothes.

She scrubbed all the dirt and dried blood off herself, the stench coming from her body made her cringe.

Did Izuku really bring me here? Smelling like a roadkill!

She internally groaned before slapping her hands against her cheeks.

"Damn you Ochako!" she yelled at herself.


The girl then shrieked, slipping in the bath tub and falling onto her knees. The shower water still fell as she tried covering herself, even though the bathroom door was still closed.

"I-Izuku? What are you doing here?" she yelled out.

"Um... I wanted to check how you were. Are you okay?" he asked before slowly opening the door. She then grabbed the shower curtains and covered her body, her face popping next to it.

"You don't have to come in!" she said but Izuku did the opposite. He walked in and closed the door before smiling down at her.

"I've seen everything already y'know," he joked and sat himself in front of the bath tub, smiling innocently.

"S-Still," she hid behind the curtains. The water was still running down and hitting her exposed body, the heat making the room foggy.

Ochako closed the shower curtains properly and decided to quickly clean herself. Izuku on the other hand had other plans. He opened the covers, Ochako nude in front of him. The girl hurriedly tried to grab something but Izuku took her hand instead. He sat her down back in the bath tub, grabbing her shampoo and pouring some onto her head, before massaging her head with it.


"I washed out your clothes from yesterday, they're on your bed. Although it's kind of ripped so I guess it would of been smarter to throw it away," he stated the girl staying quiet as he began washing her.

His hands ran over her body smoothly, making the girl shiver even though the water was hot. He sat on the edge of the tub, Ochako sitting in front of him. He rinsed her hair and started applying body wash onto a cloth and wiping her down. There was still dried blood in some areas of her body.

Ochako noticed the look in his eyes, it wasn't one of lust, but rather concern. The day before must've shaken him a bit since she had to handle three villains on her own.

His hands brushed over thighs, the tiny hair on her body standing up. The moment felt like when they just lost their virginity. Izuku had cleaned her since she was exhausted. He was patient and handled her body with utmost care.

Like she was precious.

When he was done, he rinsed her hair out and helped dry her body. She wrapped herself in a towel and walked out to the bedroom with Izuku.

"Thank you, Izuku," she said. His smile was small, but it was there. He walked towards the door, ready to leave once again.

"School starts in five minutes," he said and ran off.


She checked the time on her phone and almost dropped it.


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