Girl Talk

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Ochako stared at her best friend from across the classroom.

She couldn't get what he said out of her head. She'd stayed up most of the night thinking and wondering. It couldn't be true; he didn't like her that way.

Her pencil had become a chew toy as she thought about it again. It didn't make sense to her. 

She sighed.

"Uraraka, is my class boring you?" Aizawa asked her and she immediately stood up, bowing and apologizing.

Asui looked back at her friend worriedly.

Ochako would have to think later and do her work.


Once class ended Bakugo had stopped her at the door. He told her to follow him and she did.

"Where are we going?" she asked as people stared.

"Did you not see the nerd staring at you? I figured I'd help out a bit. See if he'd get jealous," he said nonchalantly and she nodded in surprise.

"Very uncharacteristic of you," she stated and held her hands behind her back. The students seemed to stare but looked away when Bakugo glared.

"It's just really painful to watch you two. You guys hung out alone this weekend right? Why haven't you said anything yet?" he asked and she groaned.

"It's not that easy, okay? I can't just ask him. What if he rejects me?" she complained and he chuckled.

"If he did then I'm not sure who else would put up with his shit," he stated and Ochako just rolled her eyes.

"You know Deku-kun won't get jealous because of this, right? He knows we're friends," she shook her head. She should've just went with the girls.

She had her eyes closed and suddenly bumped into Bakugo because he had stopped suddenly.

"Uraraka-san, Kacchan. What are you guys doing?" Izuku asked. He did actually follow the two before taking a different route to coincidentally bump into them.

"I just had something to say to her, but she's all yours now," Bakugo said before winking back at Ochako. To create emphasis.

Well done Bakugo, she thought before her eyes landed on Izuku. Just like Katsuki had said, there was a slight twitch in Izuku's eye.

Wait-is he actually jealous?

"What did you guys talk about?" he asked.

"Nothing much, just... um...stuff?" she said, acting suspicious to see if he'd do anything.

"Alright then, lunch?" he suggested and she nodded.

They walked together towards the cafeteria, Izuku's fan club staring daggers at Ochako's head as usual.

"Deku-kun, yesterday you said something about me being able to change something," she decided to bring it up, "What did you mean?" she asked curiously.

"What did you understand from it?" he asked, understanding exactly what she meant. The mood changed and Ochako started getting nervous, not sure if it was the right time to bring it up, but it was too late now.

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