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Christmas morning was busier than ever. Everyone was eating breakfast quickly, ready to spend the day with their parents.

The only two that weren't ready, was Izuku and Ochako.

"Shit, we woke up late," Izuku cursed while getting dressed. Since they stayed in his room, he could easily get ready. He cleared his room of the candles, packing them away for whenever. He packer her santa outfit in his closer before walking towards her.

He entered the bathroom to quickly wash his face, but once he stared at himself in the mirror he blushed deeply.


His neck and shoulders were covered in hickies and bite marks. He would have to wear a scarf for now. Nobody would care anyway since it was freezing outside.

He then went back to the brunette. Ochako was a struggle to wake up, even for him. The girl could sleep through anything if she wanted to.

"Ochako, everyone's going to leave soon. We're all heading to the station as a class remember?" he tried shaking her gently. She rolled herself before covering her head under the sheets.

"Leave me alone," she yawned out, still in her half-asleep state. Izuku wasn't sure what to do. She was bare under the blankets and she still had to get her things.

The class was still eating breakfast and they all decided to leave at 9. It was 08:25.

He then made a quick decision to grab his extra blanket. He three open the sheets making Ochako whine because of the cold. He covered her and scooped her up, heading out the room towards hers. He only hoped no-one was using the elevators.

Luckily nobody did and they made it to her room without any trouble.

He opened her door, kicking it closed once he entered. Izuku lied her down on the bed, the brunette curling up in a ball. The freckled boy searched for her suitcase. After he found it, he left it by the door before opening her closet.

"Ochako, I can't choose your clothes," he stated as she sat up from the bed. The blanket just cover her breast, but they were slowly slipping. Izuku tried to not to get turned on in the moment, there wasn't time for that.

He quickly grabbed a matching pair of underwear, giving it to her to put on. When she did, Ochako walked to her cupboard just in her underwear.

She slowly picked out an outfit as Izuku checked the time. They could still make it to breakfast.

"I'll meet you down in the kitchen alright? Don't forget your things," he pecked her cheek before going back to his room, retrieving his suitcase and heading to the kitchen.

"Morning," he greeted, everyone acknowledging him with a response or nod.

He grabbed his breakfast, making his way to an empty space next to Shoto.

"Midoriya, you must've been really tired last night since you went to bed early," Shoto said, making Asui almost choke on her water. Izuku looked at the frog girl suspiciously before he faced every other girl in the room. They all looked away.

They must've planned it for her.

Izuku smiled before shaking his head.

"Yeah," Izuku replied before eating. They boys spoke about their plans. Shoto was going to visit his mom before heading home for Fuyumi's dinner plans. They had gotten permission from the hospital for her to go home for Christmas.

His mom wanted to visit Dabi- Touya as well. Unfortunately they didn't allow it, thinking it would cause some draw backs. Her mental health was much better, but they would rather not take risks. Dabi wasn't going to be nice and welcome her with a smile.

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