Twenty Questions

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Izuku skimmed through the page Aizawa had given them. He basically knew what types of questions they wanted answers for so he put the paper back in his pocket.

"What do you got for me Izuku?" Toga asked excitedly. She had a whole list of things she was going to ask Ochako, it was going to be a fun session.

"Let's get straight to the point, Stain is in hiding. Do you know or have any ideas to where he may be?" Izuku asked. Toga placed a finger on her chin staring up at the ceiling.

"Nope!" she answered. The pair looked at the machine in front of them. They've put a lie detector inside her as well.

Izuku confirmed that she was telling the truth and nodded.

"My turn! Okay, first question," she said before shutting her eyes, her tongue sticking out,"How are you doing today Ochako?"

"Fine, next question Deku-kun," she answered quickly.

"No, no, no Izuku! If she's going to answer like that I don't want to answer your questions either," Toga pouted childishly. Ochako scoffed as Izuku faced her with a sympathetic expression.

Ochako then sighed in annoyance.

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking," she said with gritted teeth. Toga smiled at the girls change of answer.

When Izuku believed she was satisfied he asked another question.

"What's Stain's goal?"

"The same as always. To correct this corrupt hero society," she answered truthfully before facing Ochako again.

"I gave you such an easy question, I think I want to know more about you now," Toga grinned, baring her fangs.

"Get it over with," Ochako mumbled under her breath.

"Have you done it?" she asked, making Ochako tilt her head in confusion.


"Are you a virgin, silly?" Toga laughed as Ochako's face turned a bright read. Izuku was surprised by the question and faced the brunette girl cautiously.

"T-Thats private!" Ochako stood up from her chair, flustered by the situation.

"Yes or no Ochako?"

The gravity hero didn't have much to lose. It was an easy question, but it was weird when someone else asked about it in front of the person you did it with.

She hesitated before answering, "Y-Yes," she looked away from the villain.

"With Izuku, right? Oh wow, you guys are really going out now?" Toga squealed on her bed, rolling around like a dof whose just been given a bone.

The questions carried on just like that. Toga would ask her personal or embarrassing questions in front of Izuku. To say Ochako was mad, might be an understatement. Luckily it ended faster and she didn't have to be embarrassed anymore.

Toga had a smile on her face for the entir interrogation. She enjoyed watching the brunette blush and become a mess. Toying with people was one of her favourite hobbies.

"This our final question Ochako, I saved the best for last," Toga was practically shaking in her seat like someone on steroids. Ochako would have to check what these people were feeding her.

Izuku would be lying if he said he didn't find this entertaining. He wasn't supposed to have fun with a villain, especially Toga, but the girl was stubborn and this was the only way to get answers from her. Even if it meant embarrassing Ochako a bit.

"Izuku, I'm sure you'd love to know the answer to this one," Toga stated, Izuku now paying full attention to the girls in front of him.

Ochako was preparing herself for another stupid question that she'd have to answer.

Let's just get this over with.

Ochako sighed in her seat as she stated at Toga. The girl was radiating trouble. She looked like she was hiding a trump card that could knock Ochako out at any moment.

"Have you masturbated to Izuku with a dildo?" Toga snickered, Ochako's face going up in flames.

The girl had down right asked her a question like that in front of him. Izuku however was very intrigued.

"N-No comment," she stood up from her chair ready to leave, "We've finished with our questions so I don't need to answer," she spat while slamming the door behind her. Izuku stared at the door before facing Toga again.

"If you and Stain are up to something, I'll put an end to it," He stated before exiting as well.

"You always do Izuku," Toga whispered with a smile.


The drive back to the dorms were silent. Izuku had already sent the recording of their conversation to det. Eizo, of course taking out the parts between Ochako and Toga.

The brunette didn't face Izuku once since the last question. She avoided his gaze at all costs. She wasn't going to let Ochako get to her, that's what she always did. Deceive and toy with people.

Ochako hated her with every fibre of her bones. She couldn't stand the girl at all, Toga was always targeting her and then telling Ochako she loved her. Since they both liked Izuku.

Izuku didn't bring up the last question, but he was curious. Obviously Toga wouldn't ask that unless she knew something.

Does that mean when she takes form of other people, she can see their memories as well as use their quirks? She used Ochako's quirk before, so memories...

That means Ochako...

The car stopped in front of the school gate. The two got out and walked the familiar route to their dorms. Ochako stayed silent throughout.

Her mind was already long gone. She couldn't face him properly. He should know that since she didn't answer it was true. How? Because on her seventeenth birthday Mina had gotten it for her. She didn't plan on using it ever, but she did. During their second year on the night of his birthday.

She could still remember that night very clearly. The class had a party and Denki had snuck alcohol into the dorms. Izuku didn't want it there but the rest of the class, for some reason, didn't mind. It was her first ever drink when she realized she was a horny drunk.

Unfortunately she wasn't drunk enough to forget it happened.

Izuku followed Ochako to her dorm room to make sure she was okay. Once they made it inside, she began grabbing her night clothes. She felt dirty thinking about that night.

She headed straight to th e bathroom, Izuku close on her trail.

"Is it true?" he asked.

Ochako was hoping he didn't ask. It was one of those memories you try to forget because it's so embarrassing, but it ends up being that memory that just sticks forever, reminding you all the time.

She turned her back to Izuku.


Izuku then couldn't restrain himself any longer.

Smut next chap. Skip if you want °^°
♥ ♥

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