The Beginning

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I'm writing another -Izoucha- fanfic. I'm planning to publish it immediately after I finish this one. Hope you all will support it like this one!
I'll write a description of the story and post it in this book a little later.

"It's time," Stain said, facing Kurogiri and Spinner. Unlike Shigaraki, Stain didn't want to cause havoc. He wanted to right the hero society, leaving citizens out of the mix. Stain's plan was stealth, but because of circumstances, he needed a distraction. Which is where Spinner could be of use to him.

Stain wasn't one for teamwork, but he could use them. Kurogiri, was always loyal to Shigaraki, but of course he would help in anyway to let Tomura's dream come true. His dying wish.

"Roger that Mr. Stain," Spinner said, while heading off with Kurogiri.

Stain, for the last couple months, has been observing and learning all the heroes patrol times. He analyzed them, their habits, their moves.

He's plan was full proof, but he wouldn't underestimate Izuku.

Mt. Lady was his first target. Her abilities were average for a hero, but useful. Unfortunately, she wasn't what he'd call a true hero.

It was evening. The woman was on patrol. Stain, planned his attack perfectly, knowing when she'd take breaks or talk to the nearby citizens. She'd usually stop at a coffee stand to keep herself awake, this was mostly done on Tuesdays and Sundays.

Everything was going as planned.

As she walked pass an alleyway, Stain had pulled her through, surprising her, but she was experienced. She kicked herself back and faced the stranger. Her eyes widening at the person in front of her.

"S-Stain?" she spoke.

Stain didn't give her anytime to register before he threw his dagger at her, scraping her arm before running towards her, blood dripping down her arm. She stood up quickly dodging him, but he wasn't going for her. He was getting his dagger. He licked her blood off it, the girl falling onto her knees. She was stuck.

She tried activating her quirk, but stopped herself. She was in a cramped alley. She'd bee damaging the buildings beside her, harming the citizens still inside.

"What's your plan Stain?" she yelled, asking questions to buy time.

"I'm sure you already know? Everyone knows what I'm after and asking questions won't make you live longer," he smirked aiming his sword at her. She wasn't the least bit afraid.

What Stain didn't account for, was that her schedule had changed that night. Mt. Lady had something going on and only planned to do half her shift, which meant her partner was just about to arrive.

Kamui Woods.

The heroes had their earpieces in, everyone was to alert anything about Stain. Although Mt. Lady didn't know she would be first, the detective received a notice, saying a witness  had been spotting someone suspicious lately. The detective didn't hesitate to inform the heroes to stay on guard.

Just like Eizo predicted, the LOV was making their move.

Kamui made it just in time, sending an SOS to the station. They would be informing nearby heroes as well as Deku, who had been asked to take care of the new LOV.

Stain jumped abnormally high, landing on Kamui's quirk branches, then charging towards the hero. Kamui retracted his wood, before activating it repeatedly. He was on the defense, since Kamui was more of a long distance hero fight. Stain was close combat.

Mt. Lady unfortunately had the worst blood type for Stain. She would be such for at least twenty minutes and a lot can happen in just that few minutes.

"I'll only allow true heroes to stop me!" Stain yelled, not that he was planning to be stopped. It was unfortunate back when he fought Iida. He didn't expect to meet Izuku, so he was interrupted of his plan. This time he was prepared fully, after learning Izuku's attacks during the war.

One the other side of the city, Spinner and Kurogiri arrived. They were going to be causing chaos to leave Stain with the heroes.

Spinner too only handled a sword, Kurogiri was your transporter so they didn't have quick chaos types.

Spinner came prepared with other weapons.

"I kind of miss the old League," Spinner admitted. Originally he joined the league, thinking Stain was part of it, but later on he stayed. After learning about Shigaraki and actually becoming close with the other league members, things just didn't feel the same for the villain.

"Shigaraki would of wanted to see the end of heroes. We're doing it for Tomura now, not Stain," Kurogiri stated, Spinner nodding in agreement. Oh, how the tables turned.

After a few bombs were thrown and people running to save their lives. Hell finally broke loose. All nearby hero agencies contacted.

And so was the Symbol of Peace.


Aizawa was informed of the situation, heading straight to the dorms.

His students were currently hanging around in the common, preparing for the upcoming exams.

When Aizawa burst through, his eyes scanned for Izuku.

"Midoriya! The League was spotted," he stated, the whole class getting ready to move.

"Midoriya was the only contacted, the others, stay," the rest of the class not budging.

"Sorry, Aizawa-Sensei, but we already had this talk with Midoriya," Kirishima said, the rest of the class nodding.

"We're going with him, to help in any way we can," Iida stated, some of the students already getting their hero costumes.

Aizawa wasn't going to scold them, no. He already predicted this, he would be concerned if they let Izuku go alone.

"Remember your training! Rescue, evacuate and fight," he instructed.

"Right!" the class answered.

Katsuki and Shoto followed Izuku's lead. Wherever he went was where the real battle was.

Aizawa had given each of his students an earpiece, but Izuku had one straight from the police station.

"Midoriya, there's been another attack on the other side of the city, we have some heroes on their way over. You get over to Stain," Eizo explained. Izuku worried about the attack, but believed in the other heroes. He just had to defeat Stain.

"Oi Deku! You're the one connected to the station. What's going on?" Katsuki asked, Izuku then explaining the situation to the pair. Afterwards, he switched his earpiece, connecting straight to Ochako.

"Ochako can you hear me?" he tapped his ear.

"I'm here, we're right behind you," she stated, the noise of everyone else in the background.

"I need you to head to the West Side of the city, another attack was said to be there. Take everyone with you, I'm going after Stain," he demanded.


"I'll be fine, Kacchan and Todoroki-kun is here with me," he assured her, hearing her sigh on the line.

"Alright, be safe," she said before hanging up. Izuku smiled, a determine expression on his face.


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