In Love

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Izuku was currently on his date.

Ochako was staring at her phone, ever since he left an hour ago. She wanted to call and check on him. Or more like remind him that he was hers..

I should call...

No you're not the clingy type, ochako.

She had a mental debate in her head. Until she heard her phone ring, making her immediately answer before checking the ID.

"H-Hello!" she greeted a bit too loudly.

"You don't have to shout Ochako," his voice sounded through the phone.

"I-Izu...ku," she stuttered, it didn't feel right coming out of her mouth. It was different and unnatural to say his name after calling him by his hero name all the years.

"Still learning to use my name, O-cha-ko?" he teased. Her name seemed to slide of his tongue perfectly and easily as if he'd been using it forever.

"I'm trying, stupid," she mumbled the last part but he still heard her.

"Calling me names now? Petty," he joked and she groaned.

"Shouldn't you be on a date?" she asked trying not to sound jealous.

"She's in the bathroom, but I had to check on you. Make sure you're not green with envy," he said, although Ochako could practically hear him smirking.

"I'm not, go keep your date company," she hung up and threw herself on her bed. She was jealous of course. Unfortunately she did this to herself. She could very well announce that Izuku and her were now together, but she wanted to be selfish a little longer, even if it meant girls would still be hovering over him.

Izuku laughed as his date came back from the bathroom.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, Senpai," the girl said and Izuku shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, but I do have something to say-"

"You're not going to accept my feelings, is what you were going to say, right?" she assumed and Izuku nodded slowly.

"Unfortunately, I am already in love with someone else," he admitted and the girl nodded in understanding.

"Thank you, for at least giving me a chance Senpai, and for not rejecting me in front of the whole school," the girl thanked him and began packing her things before leaving, but Izuku didn't miss the tears that were forming in her eyes.

He hated that part of rejecting the people who fell for him.

He didn't want to break their heart's but he also wasn't going to fake a relationship for them. That would be worse for them mostly.

Izuku sighed. He wondered if he announced his relationship with Ochako then maybe the girls would stop asking him out and move on. That would be easier for him.

He then left the restaurant he was in, making his way back to the dorms.

By this time Ochako had gotten ready for bed. It was still school the next day and she'd just have to ask Izuku about everything then.


Izuku and Shoto were both being watched by everyone in the hallways. It wasn't unusual but this time it was like they all had the same reason for staring.

"I'm feeling uncomfortable," Shoto stated and Izuku nodded in agreement.

"Did we do something?" Izuku questioned and Shoto faced him with a bored look, as usual.

"We? More like you Midoriya,"he said and Izuku laughed nervously. Shoto was right, of course. Izuku had something to do with it.

Neither of them tried asking what was going on. They just tried to ignore everyone and make it to class on time.  The whispers were very hushed so they couldn't hear what anyone was saying about them-Izuku.

It wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Lots of rumors went around the school, mostly about Izuku. The most common ones were of him sleeping with his underclassmen. Which was obviously not true. He was a proud virgin to this day.

Some other rumors only lasted for a day but nothing ever harmed his reputation, not that he thought he had one to uphold.

When the two made it to class, the room was silent. Their peers stared at them as well.

"I'm guessing there's a new rumor going around?" Izuku said aloud and everyone nodded their heads. Izuku sighed before seating himself at his desk.

"What did I do this time?" he asked, a bit annoyed. The rumors nowadays were getting out of hand, and Izuku hated liars.

Bakugo turned around in his desk and faced Izuku with a teasing look.

"The Prince of UA is currently in love with someone," he answered the green haired boy.

Izuku sighed. He really shouldn't have told that girl.

"Whose the lucky lady?" Ayoama winked at Izuku, but he just sighed.

"I'm not sure," he joked, making the class laugh along with him. This was a norm over the passed two years. Whenever rumors about Izuku spread they would make jokes about it. It set him at ease knowing his friends didn't believe that crap. Izuku didn't mind one bit about the jokes, at some point he found it amusing and was very curious about what he did.

"Apparently people have seen you walking around with a blonde at the park," Sero said and Izuku laughed.

"A blonde?" Izuku muttered.

"They think that's your secret lover," Denki stated.

Izuku didn't remember going to the park recently and he's never been out with a blonde girl before. He was always walking around with Ochako and she's a brunette.

Izuku didn't know how people had gotten these rumors but he propped them for good stories, some were hilarious.

A few desks away, Ochako was shivering in her seat.

A blonde? Walking with him in the park? He's in love with someone? That's me right?

All these questions were floating around in her head- no pun intended.

She heard about the rumors as well as she walked in the hallways this morning. Many of his fan club members were glaring at her, more than usual.

They must've thought it was her.

It was her.

But they didn't know that.

She didn't know who had gotten the idea to start the rumor, but she hoped nobody followed her and Izuku anywhere. Izuku did have stalkers, so it wouldn't be surprising, but then they'd have to call the police again.

The cons of dating someone famous, she thought. Then again they weren't dating, but they could be if she just said the word. Izuku would agree to it in a heart beat.

Her phone vibrated on the table, a notification showing up on her screen.

"Don't worry about the rumors, it's kind of my fault,"

It was from Izuku. Ochako smiled before replying.

"Well, it's technically not a rumor."

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