Festival /part 2

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Her Kimono was pink with a green floral design. The pink was her favourite color and the green symbolised a certain freckled hero. She had bought it a whole week before the festival in hopes that he'd go with her. Which he was.

Izuku waited for the brunette outside her dorm. Most of the class had already left, they were part of the few that were still getting ready to go or planned to stay in.


Kirishima was currently trying to get him out of his room with the help of his other friends- Sero, Denki, Mina and Jiro.

The rest of the girls knew that Ochako would be going with Izuku, as friends.

Their girl group chat had been going off the moment she told them. They had given her advice, along with many 'good luck!' replies.

Once Ochako stepped out of her room Izuku stepped back a bit from the door. When she stepped out all dressed up and hair done, Izuku's eyes lit up like a child in a toy store.

Izuku had definitely seen her in a kamino before, but this time it felt different. Like she was showing herself off just for him. He loved it.

He looked around the passage before placing a quick kiss on her lips.

"You look beautiful," he complimented, Ochako immediately getting shy but faced him with a smile.

"Thank you," she said before walking with him.

They took their usual route to the train, small talking as they walked. The train ride was short, as well as the stroll to the usual spot the festival took place every year. It was near the beach, at the docks of the city or town you could say.

They haven't seen any of their classmates, so they decided it was okay to hold hands. After all they didn't get to do these things as a couple often. The class would definitely make a big deal out of everything.

Especially Mina and Denki, but they all mean well.

The fireworks were set to go off at eleven. It was currently ten in the evening.

Principal Nezu was very hesitant to let the students stay out so late, but the school all gave in their opinions and asked that they'd get to go to this festival. He agreed shortly after. Of course that meant that all third years were supposed to take lead in the situation if something went wrong. The underclassmen would have to obey their seniors in case of an emergency.

"Izuku, they're selling mochi!" Ochako dragged him to the various food stalls. As shy as she was around him sometimes, when it came to good food, Ochako was completely herself. Izuku knew how much she loved sweets and laughed a long everytime she'd buy something new to eat.

"You're so cute Ochako," he teased and  pinched her cheek. She swatted his hands away in embarrassment.

"You're making fun of me," she stated and he chuckled.

"Just a little,"

The two had come across many familiar faces which resorted to them staying a safe distance from each other. They wouldn't want to rise any suspension from the other students. The new students seemed to love gossip and anything that went on in Izuku's or the third year's lives.

"The fireworks won't start for another half hour," he said after checking the time on his phone. The only they've done so far was eating and looking around.

"Let's play some games then!" she suggested. Izuku slowly nodded before catching a familiar dual haired boy.

"Todorki-kun!" he called, making Shoto face towards the call of his name. He smiled and walked over, another person following behind him.

"Momo-San!" Ochako gave the girl a hug and they complimented each others clothes. Their conversation blooming from there as they boys watched them from a distance.

"So you asked her out to the festival?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, she said yes," Shoto stated making the green haired boy laugh.

"I can see that. Want to join us? We're going to play some games before the fireworks," he explained. Shoto nodded and the girls followed them once they came to a toy shot gun, type game.

"Alright, Uraraka-san. Which one?" Izuku asked while pointing at different stuffed toys.

He's going to win me something!

The girl practically squealed in her head before pointing at a stuffed Kirby.

They two boys were playing for prizes. They were determined to win the girls a stuffed toy.

"Whoever loses pays for lunch on the first day of the second term," Momo stated, starting a competition between the friends.

"I won't go easy Midoriya," Shoto said making Izuku smirk.

"I'm pretty sure I have better aim," he bragged, the girls enjoying the battle between two men, as Ochako would say.

They aimed towards a tiny cube that stood on a shelf. Apparently it was the most difficult one to hit and nobody ever has. If you hit it, you get to choose any stuffed toy.

The pair took turns to shoot at. Izuku went first, aiming like he would for training and pulled the trigger.

He missed.

Shoto snickered.

"It was a warm up shot!" Izuku argued. Todoroki shook his head with a smile before copying Izuku's movements, then pulled the trigger.

He missed by an inch.


"It almost hit unlike yours," Shoto stated making the girls giggle.

Ochako walked up to Izuku, her mouth beside his ear.

She whispered something and suddenly he was fired up.

"I won't miss this one,"

He did miss that one and another five more times until he finally hit it. Unfortunately Shoto had the better shot and hit it first. This meant Izuku would be buying lunch.

The couples spoke for a bit before deciding to go separate ways. The fireworks would be going off at any moment.

"I'm still get that reward though right?" he asked Ochako and she smiled.

"Maybe," she squeezed the Kirby toy in her arms.

The were some of the only ones that were at the beach. Most of the people were still at the festival area, but the noise and business could still be heard from where they were.

They stopped briefly to look at the view. The sky was dark as stars littered it. The water was glowing under the moonlight, the sight was like from out of a movie.

"I want to come back here with you next year," Izuku said and turned towards her. She looked up at him curiously.

"But we're graduating-" she stopped herself, tears forming in her eyes as she processed his words.

He leaned down slowly, their mouths close as he took in a breath and pressed his lips to hers.

And then the fireworks went off.

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