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Izuku had woken up before Ochako's alarm the next morning and the moment it rang, he switched it off.

The girl was still asleep beside him. Her head was tucked underneath his arm, her whole body was basically glued to him. Her leg went over his legs and her arms round he chest.

He laughed to himself. She was always a terrible sleeper.

There was still about two hours before school, Izuku assumed she was going to help him out of the girls side before everyone woke up. Unfortunately for her, he didn't feel like getting up either.

He didn't move at all, not wanting the girl to wake up after he already did in the middle of the night. He slightly remembered saying something to her last night before falling asleep. He didn't ponder on it too much before just staring at the brunette beside him.

Her mouth was open, drool falling onto the pillow. He snickered to himself, trying to hold in a laugh. He grabbed the Ochako's phone and took a picture of her before sending the photo to him, deleting off her phone.

No evidence at all.

After an hour of just resting, Izuku decided to wake the her up, he wouldn't want her to be late for school.

He slowly turned his body to hers. He grabbed her leg that was over he's and held it up while turning. He then draped her leg over his hip, his hand trailing up and down her side. He peppered small pecks on her face hoping she'd wake up. After some thought he leand down and placed his lips on hers, tilting her head up with his finger. Still not waking up, he called her name a few times, she woke up after the third call.

"Five more minutes Izuku," she cuddled to his chest.

"Only five," he said while wrapping his arms around her once again.

"Mmm, I love you~"

The couple froze in their positions. Ochako's eyes widened at her own words, it sort of just came out without thinking. Izuku's face turned a bright pink and looked away because of her sudden statement. It wasn't like they didn't love each other, they already confessed, but they both haven't said those words directly. Not even since that day in the classroom.

"I-It just came out. S-Sorry," she stuttered hiding her face in his chest. She clutched onto his shirt, waiting for him to speak.

"I-I love you too," he said, his old stutter ringing nostalgia. Ochako giggled at his embarrassment.

"Don't l-laugh," his hand came up to cover his blush. As confident as he had become, those three words were a bit embarrassing. Of course he loved her, it was just rare to say it out loud as a fact.

"I guess that was technically our first time saying it," she stated. He cuddled into her neck, the blush still present in his cheeks. He was embarrassed for some reason.

"Are you getting shy? That's rare," Ochako teased. Their personalities have completely swapped that morning. It felt like old times, when they were in their first year.

Izuku held onto her tighter, sighing against her neck. He was getting annoyed because he was now constantly blushing and couldn't stop.

"Class is starting," Izuku quickly got out of bed, grabbing his things and left for his room. Ochako's laughter was the last thing he heard after leaving her room.


"They want you to go down to the prison. They think Toga might know something," Aizawa instructed. Izuku and Ochako was in principal Nezu's office. The mouse sitting in Aizawa's scarf.

Of course this was a case for Izuku to handle, so Ochako was quite surprised that she was called in as well.

"Why am I going?" Ochako asked.

"Ms. Toga Himiko wants to see you. That was the only way we'd get her to speak," Nezu explained. The girl nodded, cursing the blonde. The last person she wanted to see was Toga.

The pair were given papers. Each had a set of questions to ask the villain. Depending on who she wanted to speak with.

After listening to their instructions the two headed for Tartarus. A car came to pick them up from school, some of the students were curious to where the two heroes were going in their costumes.

"Do third years get assigned secret hero missions?" a student asked their friend.

The case was still kept as secret so it would look like that to others.

The two heroes were silent the whole drive. Their minds were working. Working on what was going to happen. Ochako had been thinking about Toga the whole conversation with her teachers. She thought she didn't have to see Toga again but here she was.

Damn the league.

Half way through the drive, Izuku got a text from Det. Eizo, asking if he received the information from his teacher and principal. Izuku replied with a short text.

All the while Ochako stared out of the window. She's only been to Tartarus once so the drive was unfamiliar, unlike for Izuku who has been there like it was his second home. Not literally.

Izuku was still texting the detective when she faced him. He's only ever this serious when working and Ochako thought was admirable... and attractive as hell. He's serious expression always made him seem older than he was. It was making her blush but she shook those thoughts away. She too needed to get serious.

"We're here," the driver spoke, making the two students look out the window.

"Security went up," Izuku stated.

"After Stain broke in, they've been more cautious," the driver stated. Once he parked, the two were lead by a guard to Toga's cell room. The walk was long since they've been keeping the league locked up right down in the basement where AFO used to stay.

When they came in, they didn't see anyone in the room. They both stayed on guard, thinking she escaped.


The girl jump scared them from behind a wall, the pair flinching.

"Did I scare you?" she asked energetically, a huge grin plastered on her face.

She didn't look much different, just orange. She seemed well, as if she wasn't in prison.

"Ochako look! They gave me a TV just like Dabi," she pointed towards a small box TV that was put up on the wall.

"Toga, you said if I came you'd talk," Ochako said, having no interest in the blonde's games at all.

"Oh? Straight to the point, you're so serious Ochako, I barely recognize you," the girl sat on her bed and sighed, "Go ahead, we can play twenty questions. For every answer, I get to ask you a question. How about that?" Toga's smile grew, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Seriously? Ochako wanted to leave already after seeing the girl's face. She scowled at the vampire girl, although the other just smiled innocently.

Ochako looked over at Izuku. He was the one leading the case after all.

"If she'll answer us that way, would you be okay answering her questions as well?" he asked her. Ochako sighed but nodded anyway. She didn't have a choice really.

"Okay Toga, let's play,"

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