They're Back

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Asui and Ochako were on patrol. Their work study, with pro-hero Ryukyu and their former upperclassman Neijire, started a day ago.

The girls had done their first patrol with Neijire, giving them time to catch up. Apparently her and Tamaki had started dating a few months ago that brought up the topic of boys. Ochako shot that conversation down faster than Iida's recipro burst.

"Ochako-chan, you seem distracted," Asui commented, Ochako facing the girl with a small smile.

"I'm all good Tsu-chan, I've just been thinking," she stated. It was true, she was distracted. She hadn't seen Izuku in a day. She didn't want to call while he was busy; apparently he had gone to Mirio's agency.

After Professor Night eye's death, he was going to inherit the agency but Mirio refused, saying it was his mentor's legacy and memory, and that he wouldn't want to change it. Instead he started a sister agency and left Night-eye's one as the main company.

Back to Ochako, the girl was feeling a little lost without her best friend. She forced herself to make work her top priority.

Suddenly an explosion went off. Ochako and Asui faced the place where the sound had come from.

"Asui, wait out here! I'll go inside," Ochako commanded. The office building had blown up from the middle so she had to get up their fast. Asui wasn't always good around fire so she contacted the nearest pro-heroes.

As for Ochako, she floated herself to the exact place the explosion came from. Smoke was coming from every direction, making it difficult for her to see.

"Help!" Many voices cried out.

Ochako's heart was racing with adrenaline. She never got used to this, but it was no time to get cold feet, lives were at stake.

"Everyone calm down and follow my voice, I'll help you evacuate!" she had yelled out for everyone to hear. Soon enough the citizens came into view. Ochako floated them down while Asui grabbed them with her tongue.

Once Ochako was sure everyone made it out, she went into the smoke.

There might still be people in here, the villain included.

She started coughing due to the smoke  but that wasn't going to stop her. They had plenty fire drills at school, so she knew how to handle herself.

When she made it to a clearing where the fire hadn't reached, she heard a voice.

"Somebody help! The door is stuck!" a woman's voice sounded. Ochako heard the sound of someone banging on a door and quickly searched for the source. When she did, she found that a pillar had fallen right in front of it.

I'll have to lift it.

She touched the pillar making it weightless. She picked it up effortlessly and moving it to a clear area.

The door burst open and certainly, a woman had fallen to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Ochako reached for the female. The woman nodded but was still in a frightened state. Ochako then decided to carry the woman, she didn't seem like she was able to walk, the woman was in shock.

She floated her down when she heard a familiar voice.

That voice.

"Ochako-chan! You're here, I missed you. How's Izuku? I haven't seen him in a while," the blonde girl walked out from the shadows, quizzing the hero-in-training.

This can't be. The heroes never retrieved her body but we all thought she died.

"Surprised to see me?" she giggled, her fangs showing.

"How are y-you-"

"How am I alive? Well I never died my love," she grinned, baring her teeth once again. Uravity was too shaken to speak, the scene in front of her was way too surreal, in a bad way.

"I didn't plan to see you today, this must be fate. Although this might just ruin our plans," the girl spoke to herself, ignoring the brunette hero.

Uraraka was about to speak before the blonde raised her hand in front of her face.

"I can't talk right now Ochako, but say hello to Izuku for me," she interrupted the gravity hero and vanished without leaving a trace that she was ever there.

That was a dream... right?


"Thank you for saving us," the woman ,Ochako saved, said. The people all thanked Uravity, making the girl smile. She was able to rescue them, but the happy moment didn't last long.

Ochako reported back to the police what had happened. Soon after rescuing everyone, the fire department and police force arrived, taking care of everything else that they couldn't tend to.

She had left out the part of the villain, not sure just yet who to inform about the situation . She didn't want to cause a panic in case she'd just been hallucinating due to the smoke and lack of oxygen.

"What happened? You seem disturbed," Asui asked worriedly. Ochako didn't know what to say, she wasn't sure if anyone would believe her. Everything was supposed to end two years ago. Izuku saved everyone from them, hey were supposed to be gone.

"T-Tsu-chan," Ochako's voice cracked, tears forming. She didn't want to relive their first year again. The war. The deaths. The pure evil.

It's not happening again. Not again. Not again.

She repeated. She feared once it came out of her mouth, it would be true. She'd have to witness and relive war once again.

She was having an anxiety attack.

"Breathe Ochako-chan. Everything is all right. Tell me what happened up there," Asui comforted her.

Asui was the only one that knew about her anxiety. It started during the war in their first year. The trauma was too much and she had nightmares, but she wasn't the only one. Most of, former, class-1A was traumatized. They were only fifteen or sixteen, having to go through all that was too much for them.

Ochako had lived through many sleepless nights. Her friends and family being her only coping mechanism.

Fortunately they survived, but they'd never forget it.

"She's back," Ochako cried silently.

It's not true. I was hallucinating.

She tried denying the fact. She didn't want to believe. She refused to believe it.

"Whose back?" Asui asked, confusion in her tone, Ochako then facing her, tears and all.

"Toga, she's back,"

Before GraduationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang