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Toga Himiko.

The girl was an unpredictable piece of work. She had been living the past two years as a different person almost everyday.

Collecting blood samples and dropping corpse into the ocean. The amount of kidnappings and missing persons had increased. Toga was the cause of... most of them. A good 99.9%.

The girl had changed after Twice's death. She's become more ruthless and cold hearted than ever. She wanted to lay havoc on the ones that took away her only family. The League of Villains.

All she thought about was revenge.

From a young age, people treated her as a blood sucking monster. She couldn't help that she was born with the quirk she was given. Why were people running away everytime they saw her? Her parents abandoned her, because she was a monster.

If anything, Toga hated her quirk, but she accepted. She accepted who she was and became exactly what those people accused her of being.

"Oh my Ochako, I can't wait to see you again," she giggled to herself as she stared at a picture of the gravity hero. She placed a small kiss on the paper before setting it down and picked up another.

"Izuku, I haven't seen you in two years. I'm coming soon my sweets," she smiled.

The girl was practically obsessed with the pair, she claimed to love them.

"Toga, stop playing around. We have work to do," a deep male voice spoke, making the girl jump in her seat.

"Right, right. I can't wait to cause more chaos. The expressions on their faces, the fear in their eyes. Its getting me excited," she skipped along with the man.

It was around midnight when she made it to Tartarus. The prison was heavily guarded, even she knew she'd never make it out alive stepping foot in there. Of course unless you didn't have her quirk.

She had already dumped one of the guards bodies into the water and shifted into his skin.

Her acting was usually on point, so it was quite easy for her to sneak in and out of places.

She walked in unnoticed.

Her colleague had already drilled the prison blueprints into her head. She knew exactly where her friends were.

Unfortunately today wasn't the day to free them. This was what you'd call a rough draft before a final print.

If Toga could, she'd free them right now, but even she knew they needed a plan before rushing into anything.

She found an air vent. The guards body was too big, so she slimmed down to her usual self.

Once she climbed in the vent, she silently crawled through, heading to the nearest cell. Dabi's.

Before she made it inside she noticed a familiar mop of green hair and immediately cooed.

"I don't want another war," the dual haired boy spoke.

Izuku and him had stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"Todoroki-kun," he said.

"We'll stop it before it happens," Izuku's voice sounded making Toga's heart pound even faster.

My darling Izuku, you're here! You look even more handsome!

Izuku's phone started ringing, making Toga break from her trance. She shook her and smirked.

Just wait a little longer Izuku.

She crawled through the vent and entered Dabi's room. Unfortunately she couldn't make contact with him at all, knowing he had a lie detector implanted in him.

She took note of her surroundings and what was situated in her room.

"Toga, what's taking so long?" the man asked through her earpiece.

"Sorry, I just saw the love of my life," she sighed happily and the person on the other end groaned.

"We don't have time for your shit, alright? They'll notice a guard is missing if you don't hurry up,"

Toga then turned her earpiece off, getting annoyed at the man's bossy tone. She was going to get the job done how she saw fit.

At times like these she missed Twice. He'd hit on her, even though she was still underage at that time. He'd entertain her and she'd help him whenever his quirk started messing with him.

She sighed.

She finished her job rather quickly, not wanting a lecture later.

Once she left Tartarus, an alarm went off and she giggled. They had finally figured out a guard was missing.

Toga took off in a sprint and met up with her partner.

"How'd it go?" he asked.

"They're all doing well," she sighed before crossing her arms," Dabi had a TV in his room, prison looks like so much fun!" she stated and her partner looked back at her.

"Well maybe you can trade places with Dabi," he said and the girl looked at him excitedly.



A few days later and the plan to set the other member of the LOV was finally complete. The timing was right, the weather was good and Toga was as she usually was.

She stood at the top of a hill that faced Tartarus. The morning sunrise facing her as she watched it with a smile on her face.

She'd finally get her family back after two long years.

"Maybe Izuku and Ochako will come to stop me? That would be a dream!" she blushed at her own words. After finding out Izuku was on the case to stop the LOV, she was even more ready to set them free. She'd get to see all the people she loved in one place.

"What are you so excited for?" her partner asked.

"I just can't wait, y'know?" she said while walking down from the hill.

The man then looked at her curiously before facing forward again.

The two walked towards the prison, their minds completely set on the goal.

"Don't go wandering off. I'll need back up," he warned making the girl laugh. She slowed her pace and walked behind him. He was the one that was going to charge in as she infiltrated the place.

Basically he was bait, but one that would be difficult to defeat.

" Of course Mr. Stain sir, "

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