Getting Ready For The Ceremony

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I'm really dragging out these last chapters lol. I'm trying to finish the first 5 chapters of the new fic before this ends. I'm planning it to detail, editing is ass and the plot is mixed up af, so I need to sort that out. sorry for the slow, one chap. updates recently . (Btw, plz inform me of errors, or if sentences don't make sense. I plan to edit this whole fic properly instead of the half-ass work I've been doing)


Graduation was a few days away and the school was already planning their send offs for the third years. As sad as it was to see them go, it was a joyous occasion for the kids who were going to become adults. The real world was now calling and it was their time.

Unfortunately not everyone wanted to accept this.

"Midoriya-Senpai, we'll miss you!" his fan club had been all over him- more than usual. The realisation hit them when they saw the third years taking their last class photo.

They showed up randomly at the 3-A Height Alliance Dorm, delivering, gifts, cards and food parcels. Although Izuku never got the parcels, his classmates had taken it for themselves, with the excuse of him not being able to finish it all and that sharing was caring.

Izuku didn't mind at all after that.

"Thank you so much," he said sincerely, he was very kind and soft towards his juniors.

"Tch," Katsuki sounded next to the boy. The girls jumping, completely forgetting the blonde beside Izuku.

"Bakugo-Senpai, it won't be the same without you," one of them said, bowing her head towards him. The other girls following her lead.

"Yeah, yeah. No go on, we're not leaving tomorrow," he waved his hand at them dismissively. The girls scurried along, not wanting to anger Katsuki.

"Kacchan," Izuku frowned.

"Stop with dumb nickname Deku. We're basically adults," Katsuki rolled his eyes before walking. The two boys were walking around on their free period, checking out all the classes for what they were planning for the send off. Something most of the seniors were doing.

"It's a habit. I feel like if I said your name, it would make things weird," he admitted, the blonde boy staring at him. Izuku sighed before rolling his eyes.

"B-Bakugo," the boys immediately cringed as Katsuki's name left his mouth.

"Creepy," Katsuki shivered, not liking the way his name sounded.

"You're the one that told me to call you that!"

The boys bickered along as they walked through the hallways. The other students were carrying boxes filled with paper decorations and flowers. Each class had to make a certain amount for the ceremony, since the third years were too busy.

Farewell banners were being hung up and as the walked the the cafeteria, some girls were putting one up right before them.

"This seems like a going away ceremony for you Deku,"Katsuki stated. The boy complained, saying he too was a big part of saving the world. Katsuki wanted some recognition and Izuku laughed at his behaviour.

Izuku's danger sense activated on its own, he held out his arms as one of the girls leaned too far. The girl was falling, a screeching sound leaving her as she felt her stomach drop, like when you're on a roller coaster.

Izuku caught her just in time, the girl landing on him with an 'oof'.

The students around them gasped before they all erupted in cheers. Katsuki was shocked as well, Izuku's reflex to save people was perfect as ever.

"T-Thank you Midoriya-Senpai," she thanked, Izuku shaking his head.

"It's no problem at all, just be careful," he warned, the girl nodding furiously.

The two boys walked to the sound of their friends. A few them were meeting up at lunch break, so that's where they headed.

"I can't do it," Momo declined.

The class representatives were supposed to be giving speeches for their class on graduation. Nothing too big, but something, like advice, to take with them as they become full grown adults. Iida had given the opportunity to Momo, his second in command, the vice representative.

He believed that she could come up with something moving and inspirational.

"I've already given my opinion to the teachers and they think so as well," Iida stated.

Momo was conflicted. Yes, she's gained confidence in herself and she's able to believe in her physical abilities, but giving a speech to encourage others was quite the task. She was usually the one to get advice, being encouraged by her friends made her who she was.

"I'm not even class representative," she made an excuse, feeling flustered and a bit pressured to take on such a responsibility.

"The teachers were okay with it," Mina said. She was supporting Iida's decision. Everyone who knew was.

"What's going on?" Izuku asked as he came up behind Ochako. The girl was witnessing the whole ordeal before the two had arrived.

She explained everything to him, Izuku nodding his head.

"Momo-San," the familiar voice called from behind everyone. It was the class representative of 3-B, accompanied by a few others.

"If anyone can do it, it's you. You're one of the strongest people in this school, giving a speech to help others won't be difficult at all, we're heroes after all," She stated, giving the black-haird girl some reassurance. After a lot of consideration, Momo finally agreed. The two would be planning speeches after lunch.

"I'm gonna miss you man," Tetsutetsu said, bro hugging Kirishima. The two manliest guys getting teary as they smiled, baring their shark teeth.

Everyone then faced the blonds of class 3-B. The boy whispering to Pony.

"You inferior loser class won't be missed at all," Pony stated, Monaoma laughed as if it was the funniest joke in the world. Class 3-A's smiles fell as they stared.

"You hear that? Loser class, I bet you guys won't even make it big in the real world. After all 3-B is the superior class out of the entire school. Your trouble maker, villain magnet students-"

Kendo knocked him out, interrupting his irrelevant speech.

"That guys just never changed, " Kirishima stated, an annoyed look on his face as he sighed.

Izuku pulled Ochako out of the cafeteria, the two leaving their friends behind. Ochako entwined her fingers behind her back as the two began walking through the busy hallways. The girls waving at Izuku as they pass by.

Ochako was a bit irritated by all the feminine attention he was getting while she was right next to her. She began pouting, her faced puffed a bit.

"Don't make that face Ochako," Izuku stopped them in the middle of the passageway. His hand came up to her face, squeezing them.

"Cute," he teased, Ochako getting out of his grip.

She crossed her arms, feeling neglected.

"I don't like the way they keep calling for you when I'm around," jealousy lacing her tone. Izuku on the other hand was enjoying this new side of her. It was entertaining.

"Someone wanting attention?" he said  putting his hands on her hips, pulling her closer.

"N-No," she stuttered, looking away stubbornly.

Izuku placed a small kiss on the top of her head, smiling before letting her go. He held out his hand, gesturing for her to take it.

"C'mon number one fan of the Midoriya-senpai fan club. The actual Midoriya Izuku, will give you a full day of his undivided attention," he teased once again before she took hold of his hand. She wasn't a fan, but Ochako loved the sound of his offer.

Ochako blushed as he squeezed her hand a bit. The gesture filled with assurance.

She was his and he was hers.

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