Just In Time

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"Izuku, Ochako! I finally got to see you together!" Toga cheered.

The two weren't prepared to fight the LOV. They simply wanted to spend the day with each other, no hero problems at all.

"Is this a date? Did I interrupt?" Toga asked feigning concern. She then smirked.

"Oh well, I guess we'll third wheel," She took out her signature knife/dagger and charged towards the two heroes. The rest of the LOV following, that was until Stain showed his face.

Izuku stared in disbelief.

How did this even happen?!


*A few hours earlier*

Ochako was getting dressed for her first ever date. It was sudden and last minute, but Izuku said he wanted to take her out. Obviously it would seem like they were hanging out as friends. They've gone out alone together plenty of times so it won't be a surprise to their peers. Only this time it was as... Well they weren't an official couple but it was still a date nonetheless.

Izuku had shown up at her room earlier from his morning jog and asked her. She's been looking for an outfit ever since and they were supposed to be leaving in the next ten minutes. She already showered and didn't everything else.

She groaned, getting irritated. What did she usually wear when they went out as friends? All of that seemed to flow out of her mind in this situation.

"Oh All Might, please, please! Help me in this dire time of need," she prayed and continued her search.

Fortunately her prayers were answered and in two minutes she was ready to leave. Izuku then knocked.

Right on time Izuku!

She opened the door widely, a huge grin on her face. Izuku was surprised at the girls sudden excitement, but smiled anyway.

"That eager to go out with me?" he teased and she punched him in the shoulder.

"Don't lump me in as one of your groupies," she sassed making the boy laugh.

The two headed out as usual, non of their early rising classmates thinking anything suspicious.

They walked out of the school gates and down the hill, completely silent as they enjoyed the morning in each others company.

Once they got a safe distance away from where people could possibly recognise them, Izuku took her hand in his. Ochako's heart fluttered at the action. She felt like she was constantly in the clouds when he was around, not just because of her ability to actually be in the clouds if she wanted to.

Izuku had his hood on, a pair of glasses and a baseball hat on.

"Um, Izuku," she called out to him, "What's with the get up?"

"Ah, well you know how it gets when people realise who I am. We'd be interrupted," he explained as she nodded in understanding.

Would it be like this when we become pro-heroes? Always having to hide when we want to spend quality time together or just do anything.

"Izuku, you never told me where we were going? "

Izuku thought for a bit before smiling innocently.

"I thought we'd just go wherever we felt like, but I do want to take you somewhere before that," he said and she followed along with him. She enjoyed the little moments. Just walking, talking and getting to know each other better, not as friends this time around.

Ochako noticed a clearing and then all blue.

The ocean.

"The beach?"

It wasn't just any beach. It was the one that took Izuku ten months to clean up. He an All Might were the only one who knew about it, since it was also the place he received his powers. He explained this to Ochako and the girl smiled proudly.

"You went through all that, huh?"

"It was worth it," he sighed out. He went through some torturous training and diets. Now he was one of the world's saviours. He almost teared up, he hadn't cried in a while.

He recalled back to all the difficult days and now that things might go back to it, scared him. Yes, he told everyone he'd protect them, but he was still afraid. Afraid of losing so much like he had a couple years ago.

"It's okay to cry Izuku," Ochako stated as Izuku's tears started streaming down his face,"We can't forget that we're still children. We've been through so much as first years, but we survived. You've went gone through the most, you saved us. You deserve to cry," she said.

Izuku then broke down against her shoulder. They didn't expect to get all emotional on this date, but hey, lots of things were going to happen on this day.

"See, you're still a crybaby," she teased and he started laughing, the tears still falling.

As much as they wanted to continue their little moment, the universe was against them this day.

"Huh?" a voice sounded further away from them.

The pair faced the voice, the mood changing instantly because right in front of them were the, supposed to be in prison, LOV. Their appearance were dirtier and roughed up than usual which Izuku assumed was from escaping Tartarus.

"Izuku, Ochako! I finally got to see you together!" Toga cheered.

The two weren't prepared to fight the LOV. The simply wanted to spend the day with each other, no hero problems at all.

"Is this a date? Did I interrupt?" Toga asked feigning concern. She then smirked.

"Oh well, I guess we'll third wheel," she took out her signature knife/dagger and charged towards the two heroes. The rest of the LOV following, that was until Stain showed his face.

Izuku stared in disbelief.

During the war Stain had shown up as well, but everyone thought he was dead. Although Izuku hasn't seen him since.

"Deku, you will always be a true hero, so they won't attack you, but you're friend over there... Well that's a different story," Stain said.

Just like he said, the LOV had been going after Ochako.

"Ah, Shoto's friend. We meet again," Dabi spoke," Unfortunately, I don't take orders from just anyone, so don't think you're off the hook," he smirked, his blue flames releasing from his body. He then aimed at Izuku, the blue flames flowing fast through the air, but the boy was still so in shock of the moment that he's body reacted slowly.


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