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Ochako wrote in her work book, pretending not to hear.


She wasn't ready to face him.

"Uraraka~" (Just imagine that one episode Bakugo said her name at the sports festival)

"Bakugo," she said, annoyed.

"You're not going to get with him by avoiding him," he stated and she groaned.

The two of them had stayed in class for lunch break. Uraraka had lied about wanting to finish her work to her friends just to avoid you know who. Bakugo decided to stay with her when everyone left.

"You don't think I know that?" she said and threw her pencil at him. He dodged it and it landed on the other side of the class.

"You'll have to fetch that," he propped his legs on her desk. She groaned.

"I don't know how to talk to him," she admitted. 

Immediately, Katsuki lifted his index finger with a smug smile.

"First, apologies for being a bitch-" he said and she glared, "Second, tell him the truth and fucking confess already," she stared at him and he smirked," lastly, get laid."

Ochako then threw him with her text book.

"Bakugo!" she blushed deeply. She hadn't expected that, not even from him.

Sleep with Deku-kun? I can't even talk to him sometimes without stuttering.

Bakugo started laughing, making the girl even more embarrassed.

"But you've thought about it right?" he leaned on her desk with a smirk, she avoided his gaze.


"I am not!" she denied, blushing profusely.

"Well at least I have blackmail now," he stated while holding up his phone, the voice recording app open.

Ochako's eyes widened.

"This is the only way you'll confess. If you don't soon, I'll let him listen to this," he threatened and she reached for his phone, but he was too tall.

They were now out of their seats, ready for battle.

"Bakugo, if you don't delete that..." she warned and he laughed.

"What are you going to do round face?" he's smirk permanently plastered on his face.

She was getting worried. She didn't want Izuku knowing that, she'd die... literally. Throw herself out the window if she had to.

"I'll do it, now delete it!" she tried grabbing his phone.

She then chased him around the class. He was unfortunately very fast for her but she was determined to get that phone. They had stopped running, currently facing each other; Bakugo mocking her by waving his phone in front of her face.

She launched at him.

"Hey!" he said as she landed on him, making him lose his balance. They both fell, Ochako landing on his lap while still reaching for his phone, his arm stretching away from her reach.

The door opened and the pair both faced it instinctively.

"Uraraka-san?" Izuku's confused voice sounded through the empty class. The two then looked at each other frantically.

"This isn't what it looks like!" they said in unison.

Izuku stepped inside the class, closing the door behind him. He originally came to confront Ochako after hearing that she had stayed in. He thought they could talk it out, but he wasn't expecting his close friends on top of each other.

Ochako then grabbed Bakugo's phone, deleting the voice note while getting off the blonde boy.

"Bakugo recorded something of me and I tried deleting, but he didn't want to and then we tripped-"

"It's okay Uraraka-san, you don't have to explain yourself to me," Izuku said with a sad smile.

Bakugo sighed while grabbing his phone out of Ochako's hand and looked between the two.

"Sort your shit out," he said before leaving the class, closing the door on his way out. No way he was going to get in the middle of that.

They stayed quiet, neither knowing what to say. Ochako didn't want to look at him, so she turned away.

Izuku sighed. Even after all that, he knew she was still going to avoid him. Maybe it was time to stop being considerate.

He walked towards her until his chest basically touched her back. She sucked in a breath.

"I-I didn't mean to ignore you today. Or more like I just didn't want to face you," she started, " Friday night, I thought you were going to kiss me. I was a bit freaked out because I've kept something from you. I was scared our relationship would change and we wouldn't be close anymore. I definitely want to be by your side all the time but," she turned to face him and looked up with tears in her eyes," Not as best friends. I'm in love with you Deku-kun! " she cried out, her head hitting his chest. She couldn't see him but he was smiling.

She had finally confessed her feelings to him. He didn't have to wait ten months.

Izuku silently listened to her cry against his chest, subconsciously running his fingers through her hair in a comforting way. He then placed a soft kiss on the top of her head, which made her sobbing stop almost immediately.

She then tilted her head up again.


"I've been waiting for you to tell me that," he admitted. Her mouth was open as she looked at him in confusion.

"I know you're in love with me Uraraka-san,"  he answered, "I've known for the past three months or maybe I guess I've always had the feeling since the middle of our second year," he thought out loud.

She stared at him in disbelief. He had known the entire time but hadn't said anything.

"Also the morning I slept over a few weeks ago. I wasn't asleep and heard you say it," he chuckled.

Ochako let out a surprised squeak.

"That's embarrassing," she mumbled to herself.

Izuku then decided. She had confessed but he didn't want the game to end. An idea lit up in his head and he smirked.

"I'm sorry for confessing all of a sudden, I understand if you don't feel the same. We can totally forget this happened-"

He kissed her. Not just any kiss, but right on the lips. It felt better than he could have ever imagined. Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberry, probably due to her lip gloss.

The kiss was slow since it was both their first time, so they were both inexperienced. Even though they haven't done it before, it felt perfect.

This had lasted until they ran out of oxygen, both panting from the kiss, eyes still closed, enjoying the moment.

"Make me fall in love with you as hard as you fell for me," Izuku said. Ochako barely had time to take in his sentence before he spoke again," I'm in love with you too Uraraka-san," he stated, making the brunette tear up.

"I'm happy, but I don't understand what you mean? Make you fall in love with me? How do I do that?" she asked.

Izuku knew how long she's been crushing on him, but he didn't realize his own feelings until later, so yes, he wanted to love her as much as she loved him. 

He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her flush against his chest and leaned down to her ear.

"By being mine~,"

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