Thank You

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After inspecting the rest of the building, the trio headed back to the station.

"It could've been them," detective Eizo said, but shortly after sighed, "We know they're here, but we have no other leads," the case was going to drag on longer if Stain didn't want to be seen just yet. They were probably planning something to stay this his for so long. The heroes didn't want to wait any longer, they've learned from past experience already.

Izuku was getting frustrated, Bakugo stared at him.

"Don't go doing things on your own again Deku. I'll gladly bring the class to beat your ass again," Katsuki stated making Izuku laugh.

"I'd rather not get attacked by friends again, thanks," he said while scratching the back of his neck. Memories of the time class 1-A went to save him. He pushed them away even then and they picked a fight with him.

He laughed quietly to himself. He was really lost back then and was very glad he had his classmates to count on.

"Besides, you wouldn't want Uraraka mad at you," Katsuki teased.

After Eizo gave them the all clear, they headed home together. The train ride was lively, as usual. Shoto was dense and Katsuki had to refrain from throwing himself out of the moving train. Izuku just watched the two bicker-or Katsuki bicker and Shoto being... him.

Once they made it back to the school, a sigh broke out between all three.

"Hopefully this case will be solved soon. I plan on having a year with no villain organisations attacking us," Shoto yawned, the others nodding in a greement.

"The class is probably asleep," Katsuki stated as they entered their dorm house.

As he predicted, lights were turned off and it was silent.

They all walked to the elevator and waited to be dropped off on their  floors.

Shoto was the first to leave the small space, leaving the childhood friends alone.

"I was serious when I said don't go handling things on your own," Katsuki spoke, Izuku facing him. He meant when he said it back at the station.

"Two years ago you were barely yourself. The people who care about you were worried, especially your mom and Uraraka. Don't put them through that again, or us, the class," Katsuki said, the elevator doors opening.

A short memory of the class coming to save him flash through his mind. Uraraka said they worried for him, but he told them a quick he was fine and they should leave. Of course Bakugo laughed at that and started the fight between class 1-A and Izuku.

He was thankful for them.

"That was me back then. I'm different now, you know that," Izuku said. Katsuki just sighed and stared at the boy.

"You're going to see her now right? Make sure she knows how grateful you are for her. All Might knows why the hell she cared for you so much back then," Katsuki said before walking off, giving Izuku a back wave.

Izuku smiled as his friend walked away. Katsuki had the most dramatic change after everything. It was like he caught a glimpse of his friend before their quirk days.

He didn't know how Katsuki knew, but he was going to Ochako. He was busy all day and only spoke to her in the morning when she came in all frantic.

When he got to her floor, where he shouldn't be late at night. Izuku knocked softly on the door. He waited a few moments before he heard a quiet 'thump' sound and then light footsteps heading towards the door.

The door was opened slowly, the brunette girl poking her head out half asleep.

"Izuku?" she said, her hair was a mess just like that same morning, but her eyes were squinted and in a daze.

"Sorry for waking you," he apologized before she let him in. She shook her head and yawned, not really that bothered.

She walked back to her bed and slid under the sheets, the cold air getting to her. Izuku sat down beside her.

"You're still in school clothes, did you only get back now? It's past midnight," she stated and he smiled. He was tired and didn't think he could last much longer awake, but he came to see her at least. He was going to do what Katsuki said and let her know how grateful he was.

"Thank you, for everything Ochako. I don't know how to repay you," he said in a whisper, he's eyes closing and his body leaning forward. His head landed on her shoulder, soft snores leaving surrounding the quiet room.

Ochako sighed.

"He's asleep," she said quietly. She pulled off his jacket as he sat half asleep on her bed. She couldn't do anything about his clothes but decided to pull him into the blankets as well.

She would have to wake him up early to leave the girls side of the dorm, before anyone saw, but she could worry about that in the morning.

After setting her alarm, she lied down. Izuku's face on the pillow beside her, his breath fanning her face.

He looks peaceful.

She studied his features for a bit, suddenly very awake with him in bed next to her. His prominent four freckles on his cheek was dark in the night, but if you looked closer, he had lighter ones covering his nose and cheeks.

What she had noticed a few times during their time together was that Izuku had freckled on his body as well, not just his face. It was very light so you wouldn't be able to see if you weren't looking for them.

She became flustered at the thought of him.

Don't think of that right now Ochako!

She hadn't seen him all day and the first thing he says was 'Thank you'.

What was that for?

She wasn't really sure, but decided to let it go. Izuku said some weird things sometimes and she could never understand.

Just like the night at the festival. Hopefully she'd get answers the next day.

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