Spending The Night

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A/N:I really contemplated writing this. If you want to skip the chapter you can(you won't be missing any plot) , there are some fluff scenes in here though. It'll probably be some suck-ish smut, because I suck:)
[⚠ Smut⚠]

"I'm not sick. I'm just cold because you left me in these wet clothes," she pouted. Izuku scratched the back of his neck before he smirked.

"Would you prefer if I'd taken off your clothes?" he questioned, making the girl blush.

She covered herself with a blanket to hide her face. She had spoken without thinking. The respectful Izuku would never undress a woman in her state.


Izuku took the blanket off the shy girl, taking her hand and lead her to the bathroom.

"Take a bath before you actually get a cold," he said walking out, but she grabbed the back of his shirt before he could leave.

"Are you going back for the work study?"

She secretly hoped he'd spend the night with her. She didn't want to be left alone.

He held her hand.

"I'll stay, but I'll probably be gone before you wake up tomorrow," he said and she shook her head.

"That's fine with me, I just w-want to be with you," she turned her back to him, but he saw the blush on her face from the mirror beside them. He smiled.

"I'll leave clean clothes outside the door," he said before leaving the bathroom.

Ochako began stripping. The water was filled with hot water and she decided to slowly sink in, her body immediately warming up. She let her body drop till her neck was basically under water. The warmth spreading through her body made her sigh in relief. She usually took showers because there was never time to take baths. Luckily for her nobody could disturb her, but then again, she didn't want to keep Izuku waiting too long.

She decided to take her time, knowing Izuku could sleep if he wanted and she'd just join him after the bath. She wanted to soak up the warmth a little longer.

She breathed out once the water started losing it's warmth.

I guess I have to get out now.

She unwillingly got up from the bath, the water dripping down her naked body and falling back into the tub. She grabbed a towel from a rack and dried herself before wrapping it around her.

She opened the bathroom door to get the clothes Izuku said he leave for her, but she saw none.

She thought maybe Izuku forgot or didn't know where her things were, so she called for him. When he didn't reply, she fully stepped out the bathroom and saw him standing in front of the sliding door. The curtains were open, letting the moon's light illuminate the room. She watched him carefully as he turned around to face her.

She clutched on her towel, remembering she was basically naked in front of him.

"I-Izuku," she said. His face was hidden due to the darkness of the room. The light from the outside wasn't enough to see his expression properly.

"Y-You could have asked me where my clothes were if you didn't know," she stated, but he didn't reply. He simply walked over to her, the girl suddenly taking steps back. She wasn't afraid of him or what he would do. She was nervous and him getting close while she didn't have anything but a towel to cover her, made her anxious.

She hoped she wouldn't become some anime fan service character that trips over air and suddenly her towel goes flying, leaving her exposed.

Her back suddenly hit the wall behind her. She didn't have anywhere else to go. He walked up to her in less than a second, making her more aware of their height difference.

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