Symbol Of Peace

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Never in her life had Ochako thought that she would be cornered by her underclassmen. The reason about a popular boy, that almost every girl had a crush on and never in her life had she thought they'd look this scary.

But she wasn't afraid of them. Yes they were taller than her, so what? She couldn't help her height. Being seventeen and then being surrounded by a bunch of jealous sixteen year olds' weren't on her bucket list.

Ochako was just minding her own business in the school hallway when someone had pulled her into an empty dark classroom. She almost thought it was Izuku and got excited, but it turned out to be little girls and that turned her off immediately.

Damn them for getting me excited! She thought.

"Uraraka-Senpai, I'm sure you know why you're here," one of the girls said. Unfortunately Ochako didn't know any of her underclassmen personally, so she didn't know their names. But at least they were respectful enough to address her as their senior.

Bakugo would call them a bunch of extras right about now, she thought.

When it seemed like Ochako wasn't paying attention to them, the girls got irritated.

"We know it's you alright!" Another said.

"What do you know exactly?" Ochako asked. She was playing dumb, yes, but she didn't feel like making a bigger deal about this.

"Midoriya-Senpai is in love with you!"

I know.

"We won't allow you to be with him. Midoriya-Senpai isn't someone you can be with, he's someone you stare at or dream about," one of them explained making Ochako completely confused.

"Here in the Midoriya-Senpai fan club, nobody is allowed to have a personal relationship with him and they're not allowed to confess,"

How does that make sense?

"Are you sure you're just not afraid that Midoriya-kun would reject you? That's why you have all these rules," Ochako stated and the girls blush.

"We're no afraid!" they said simultaneously.


Ochako sighed. She couldn't deal with his fan club today. The rumors were really getting to them which meant it was getting to her. If she came out with Izuku does that mean she'd get harassed even more? She wondered all types of things as she stood in the class with her underclassmen. They kept telling her to break her ties with him, but obviously she wouldn't.

She was almost at her breaking point when the door opened and the person she actually wanted to see walked in.

"Uraraka-san," Izuku called. The girls in front of her squealed.

"Midoriya-Senpai!" the girls said with excitement.

Izuku waved at them before standing beside Ochako. The girls then subtly gave her the side eye.

Ochako just tilted her head up to the boy next to her. Hopefully he could get her out of this soon.

"What are you doing here Senpai?" one of them said.

"I was looking for my friend over here," he stated and Ochako was a bit surprised. They didn't plan anything and it wasn't lunch break. Usually he'd be training right now.

"You need something Deku-kun?" she asked and he nodded.

"I was going to train using float today. I know I'm already good at it but it be good to not neglect it's training y'know," he explained, " And who not better to ask then my favorite gravity quirk user," he patted her head while leaning down to her level, a teasing smile on his face.

Ochako pouted. He was making fun of her height again, he probably took note of all the tall people in the class right now.

"Rude," she swatted his hand away.

The girls in front of them were shocked at the sight. Ochako had the audacity to not enjoy Izuku patting her on the head. All his fan club members would die for the chance for him to just touch them.

"So, what were you all doing here?" Izuku finally asked.

"We were just asking Uraraka-Senpai for advice," they lied and Ochako rolled her eyes. She just sighed and walked to the door, everyone's gaze on her.

"We're done now though. We should get going Deku-kun," she said and Izuku nodded.

"Alright," he waved to the girls before following Ochako.

Izuku didn't bring up what they were doing in a dark classroom and Ochako looked almost pissed.

He's only seen her angry a handful of times, most of the time was when he acted recklessly. He really appreciated the fact that she cared about him. He never had a friend like that until he started going to UA.

He stared at her. They were going to the gym.

"Ochako~" he said and she stopped. He smirked knowing her weakness.

"Don't use my name outside," she blushed, causing the greenet to laugh. They then opened the double doors to the gym. No-one was around.

Ochako began taking of her shoes and blazer. She tied her hair in a ponytail and sighed. She activated her quirk on herself and began to float. Her movements graceful. Over the course of training, she learnt how to control her floating and the things she made weightless.

She also trained herself to make bigger things float. She had started with a car and once she mastered that, moved on to bigger vehicles. There was one thing she wanted to try, but the thought of it made her nauseous.

Izuku then took off the same things she did and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt. He watched her, the girl was in her own world as he decided to activate his  float, meeting her in  mid air.

"Something on your mind?" he asked and she broke out of her trance. She grabbed onto him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm fine. Let's get training," she let go of him and floated elsewhere, leaving her thoughts for another time.

Izuku wanted to train his timing in the air. Right now he can on stay up for about a minute before he drops back to the ground. He heard from All Might that Nana, All Might's mentor and one of the users of OFA, could stay up there for hours, making it seem like her quirk was the ability to fly.

Ochako helped him with balance and stability in the air during their first year. It was around the time before the war. All Might had asked her, Sero and Asui for help. It took a while but he eventually got the hang of it.

First Izuku stored his energy, the green electricity flowing around him and OFA's power surging through, before jumping off the ground and staying in the air. Ochako floated herself to him and smiled.

"Your time is a minute, right? Let's try for a minute and ten seconds," she suggested and he nodded. He usually pictured different things for each quirk, but when it came to floating, he imagined Ochako. He'd imagine himself with her in the clouds until they would eventually fall back down to Earth. So he had to imagine them staying up in the sky, floating, together.

A minute passed and Izuku felt himself getting heavy.

"Don't worry about the time, focus on floating," she advised and he nodded, unfortunately he wouldn't be getting it on the first try and fell, luckily she was there to make him float.

"You made it an extra five seconds," she cheered and he groaned. She laughed at his reaction, he was always impatient about these things. He felt like he had to master everything right then.

"We're trying again," he said, Ochako releasing him.

Ochako watched him in admiration. The freckled teenager was hard working as always. She couldn't wait to see him become the number one hero.

The world's new Symbol of Peace.

Before GraduationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora