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The League of Villains were announced dead a month after the war.

Shigaraki and AFO was taken care of by Izuku. Touya had been captured by Shoto and was sent to prison. Toga's body was nowhere to be found but they had brushed it aside after not finding any trace of her for months. They thought her body might have been discarded with the ruins of war.

The government had made a mistake by not taking proper measures.

Ochako sat in the police station, the detective taking in her statement.

For this specific situation, there was only one person they immediately thought to call.

"Midoriya Izuku, thank you for coming," detective Eizo said. Ochako's head turned as soon as she heard. Izuku bowed his head and turned towards the other person in the room. Ochako.

"Och--Uraraka-san, what are you doing here?" he asked, detective Eizo gestured for the green haired hero to take a seat.

"You heard about the incident today, correct?" Eizo asked and Izuku nodded.

"Right! Uraraka-san then just finished her report?"

"Unfortunately, she encountered someone who we all believed was taken care of two years ago," he said while putting files in front of Izuku.

"Two years ago? A Tartarus escapee?" he questioned, and Ochako shook her head. She was still a bit shaken up by their old foe.

He then opened the file and his eyes widened.


"Yes, Uraraka and her had come face to face in today's incident. Apparently she was the cause of it," det. Eizo informed and Izuku slumped in the seat. His head tilting back as he took in the news.

He then watched Ochako from the corner of his eye.

She doesn't look okay.

He grabbed her shaky hand in his, under the table. She didn't face him, but rather gripped his hand tighter.

"So, what happened?" He sighed.

"According to Uraraka, she was the only one there. The explosion was done by quirk, but Toga doesn't have-"

"When she takes place of the person she extracts blood from, their quirk is taken too. Back in the war she used my quirk to kill people. Making them weightless then dropping them from high-ground,"Ochako interrupted. Izuku didn't know this and probably thought that's what disturbed her at the moment.

Izuku was taking in the information and worried for the girl. Questions he wanted answers to.

Was she afraid of using her quirk after what happened? How did she get through this?

"Midoriya, I know you're not a pro-hero and we really shouldn't be asking you kids but, can you handle this?" he asked.

Izuku didn't hesitate to say yes. Of course they didn't have any leads yet, but they'd let him know when they needed him.

After a few plans were made to let other pro's know, Ochako and Izuku left the station.

Ochako was quiet the whole train ride back to UA. Izuku didn't want to pry, but he was worried. Also he wondered why she hadn't told him anything about... that time.

When they were on the path to school Izuku stopped walking and Ochako had shortly walked straight into him.

"Dek--I-Izuku. Why'd you stop?" she asked, not meeting his eyes.

He stared down at her and this made her nervous. She didn't want him to worry about her, but being silent was exactly what worried him.

"I'm not letting you go to the dorms like this," he stated. Her gaze didn't leave the very interesting ground.

She wasn't planning to be depressed. She was going to put on a smile and tell everyone who asked that she was fine. Nobody noticed which smile was fake or not anyway.

"Don't pull that shit you always do," he said and Ochako stared back at him wide eyed. He'd never sworn at her before, well more like spoken to her that way.

"What do you mean?" she asked and he scoffed.

"You think I haven't noticed? The fake smiles, the fake laughs. It pisses me off," Ochako was shocked by his foul language. It wasn't that he never cussed but it was very rare for him.


"You didn't tell me what happened back then. With Toga," he stated.

Ochako didn't want to bring back past memories, especially ones that gave her nightmares. If she brought it up, it would haunt her. She couldn't handle that again.


She didn't realize she was crying until her tears had fallen to her lips, the taste of salt in her mouth.

"I was terrified back then, b-but I was too worried about you to care about it at that time," she cried and then like out of a movie, it started raining.

It poured. Heavily drenching the two, but neither made a move to find shelter. Instead they stood, the water dripping down their faces.

"Whose the one that always worry about others before themselves again?" he joked before pulling her against his chest, "That's my job," he whispered.

"You're more important," she cried into his chest.

"No. Don't ever say that again," he scolded before picking her bridal style, surprising the brunette.

"Wouldn't want to catch a cold," he said before activating OFA and practically flew to the high-school building on top of the hill.

She just cuddled close and enjoyed the warmth that oozed off Izuku's body. She was exhausted, she wanted to rest.

She did in just a few seconds.

Unfortunately for Izuku, he still had his work study to do. He'd have to go back soon. All the students were staying close by to the agencies they worked at so nobody was at the dorm.

Asui had pro-hero Ryukyu suspend Ochako for a day. She was one of the heroes that were informed about the incident.

Once Izuku made it to the dorms, he went straight to her room.

Their clothes were still wet.

Izuku took a quick shower in his room and changed his clothes before returning to Ochako's.

The girl was awake now. Her clothes stuck to her body like a second skin. Izuku stared. No, he couldn't take his eyes off her at all.

She looked back at him, her eyes glistening in the dark, face flushed.

Izuku bent down in front of her, her body leaning forward.

She wanted to touch him. She grazed her lips against his, her eyes closing a bit.


He chuckled before saying,

"You've got a cold, dummy."

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