The End

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So I've been wondering for a while how Uraraka's name was spelt. I researched because I thought I was dumb writing it with a 'K' the whole time.
Apparently the English version of her name is written 'Ochaco (C)' and the Japanese version, written in English is 'Ochako (K)'.
Sorry for being random, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't stupid:).
Also sorry for the misleading heading! It's NOT the last chapter!

Katsuki got a direct blow at Stain. The villain faltering back, hitting the light pole and coughed out blood. Izuku and Shoto on standby waiting for Stain's next move.

The couldn't fight recklessly, one hit from Stain and they could be paralysed. Although Izuku's blood type was easy to work with, he wasn't going to take any chances.

Shoto then blasted his ice towards Stain with intent to freeze him, but Stain hit it again with his sword. The dual haired boy was still stunned that just a plain sword could break his ice. Then again, just Izuku's air pressure (Air-Force) could take it down, but that was also another case. This was just a normal katana.

Izuku used his black whip to attack Stain, the villain hitting it away with amazing reflexes. Katsuki immediately used Izuku as a distraction and aimed explosive shots at him. Shoto took that as a sign to assist, using his fire in the same direction as Katsuki.

When they stopped attacking repeatedly, there was just smoke. Stain hadn't come out, making them think the villain was finally defeated, but with Izuku's danger he sense he felt him coming.

Stain sped out of the smoke, his sword coming right at Izuku, but when he saw who was behind him, he tried grabbing Stain. Unfortunately he did not and Stain managed to get a hit on Katsuki.

Stain taking in his blood.

Katsuki fell to the grown and cursed loudly.

"Mother fucker!" Stain glanced at the two boys that was still standing.

"I'll leave the best for last," he pointed towards Izuku before attempting to attack Shoto once more.

"Damn icy-hot, if you get hit I'll kill you!" Katsuki yelled, struggling to move his limbs. Shoto used his ice as a defence shield, getting a safe distance away from Stain.

With Katsuki's blood, he'd be down for at least ten minutes.

Izuku wasn't sure whether to release his smokescreen or not. It could keep Stain from seeing, but so would everyone else.

If it could help then Izuku would just have to use it. He released his smokescreen a bit too fast and wasn't able to control the amount before he stopped.

Shit, too much!

He was still practicing on speed release, but he only just got the hang of slowing it down a few months ago.

Although the smoke did it's purpose and surrounded the place. Shoto wasn't too shocked, knowing it was only Izuku and tried getting away from the smoke.

Izuku was still in it, hopefully trying to catch Stain off guard.

He used danger sense to find Stain's location in the grey cloud. It should be bothering the villain's vision by now.

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