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They sat on different sides of the small sofa, Inko sitting in the single seater couch opposite them as they ate their tea and cake.

Ochako was embarrassed while Izuku was annoyed. He didn't mean to be irritated but his mom really had bad timing.

"Are you two alright?" Inko asked and they bother faced her.



They said in unison. Inko wasn't sure what had happened in the room andbut decided against prying since they are teenagers and have their own personal issues, but she was worried that they weren't talking. This was no time to be a considerate mom after Izuku had made a best friend, she thought.

"There's clearly something wrong. I don't want to be in your business but I'm worried. You haven't looked at each other in the last ten minutes," she said, concern laced in her voice.

"It's really nothing Inko-san, we just had a small incident," Ochako explained, her hands waving in front of her face, trying to hide her blush.

"Don't worry about it mom, we're just a bit embarrassed," he said with an assuring smile. His mom then hesitantly let it go.

"Alright then, it's getting late. Izuku take her back safely, please," Inko started clearing up and the pair began walking towards the front door. Inko went to greet them before they left.

"Come visit again soon," she said to Ochako and the brunette nodded enthusiastically.

"I will!"

Once they said their goodbyes, the two walked to the train station again in silence.

"About what happened-" Ochako started.

"We don't have to talk about it, it's long forgotten," he said, hoping she'd be more comfortable.

"I guess that would be for the best, but we're you about to... Ki-"

A car honked at them as they walked the pedestrian crossing. They quickly made it to the side walk before Izuku faced her.

"What were you saying?" he asked and she stared. How was she supposed to ask now?

"I... I think I'll make it back to the dorms okay on my own. Thanks for inviting me Deku-kun," she said with a sad smile after walking away from him in a speed walk. Before she could leave he grabbed onto her wrist.


"I'm fine, really. I just need to be alone for a bit," she said trying to get her wrist out of his grip, but he was determined to fix things.

"If it's about what happened-"

"Let me go Deku-kun!" she cried and he let go. They both looked at each other, hurt. This wasn't how the night was supposed to end.

She didn't mean to shout; everything was just confusing and frustrating, but Izuku was making this difficult for her.

"It was a misunderstanding, I know that. I'll talk to you again Monday when we come back from staying with our parents. I promise by then I'll be okay," she said, wiping her tears and walking off.

"Uraraka-san," he whispered after watching her walk out of his sight.

How did everything get this bad?


Uraraka kept a smile on her face as she visited her parents. She was staying with them from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon, then she'd probably be back at UA in the evening.

"I made your favorite dish," her mom said and she grinned, thanking her mom.

She tried her best to stay happy in front of her parents. She didn't want to worry them over her problems.

Later that night, the gravity user found herself awake, staring at her phone; a call button in front of her thumb, the ID name being...


Why did I have to get so embarrassed? I didn't mean to be rude to Deku-kun. I just wanted space.

He looked like he was about to kiss me but that can't be right. Even if it did happen, it was going to ruin everything. I haven't confessed my feelings yet, if we kissed and I told him a day later then it'd seem like I fell for him after the kiss.

Deku-kun also has been saying some weird things recently. I want to believe he likes me. It would make things much easier, but I guess there's that one thought at the back of my mind.

Our friendship right now is going great. We're close and comfortable. I believe we could be good as a couple too but what happens after that. If we broke up we'd never be together again, not even as friends. Mina always said being friends with your ex is bad.

I want to be by his side forever, but I don't know how committed we'd be. I'm not angry at him, I'm angry at myself. For thinking all of this and for making him worry. He probably thinks I hate him or that he did something.

I want to cry.

She cried. She cried hard that night. The last time she cried this hard was when Izuku had left UA. Her heart was aching, it felt like her throat clogged up and she was going to choke on her own tears, silently sobbing so that her parents wouldn't hear.

"It hurts," she cried into her pillows. It felt like death itself. She wanted to scream, shout, anything that would relieve her of the pain.

Love was hard. It hurt. Nobody told her that love wasn't all cupcakes and rainbows. No-one warned her of the pain.

So she kept crying, until her eyes were puffy and face swollen. Sometime in the middle of the night she fell asleep with dry tears on her cheeks. She was numb and nothing really bad even happened.

She didn't want to feel like this. Not for loving him.


Izuku lied awake that night as well. He was confused and hurt. He wasn't sure if he did something or said something.

What did I do? How do I face her? I want to apologize but I don't know what to apologize for.

She was crying, I hate that she was crying. Did I make her cry?

His head was filled with so many questions as he muttered to himself.

If we were together, is this how our fights would be? Not speaking to each other?

The thought of them not speaking made his heart ache.

"I want to see her,"

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