Two Heroes And The League

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Izuku dodged the fire, barely, before falling onto the sand. He got up immediately and took in the situation. It was two against five. One going after him and four going after Ochako. Of course he knew they weren't just going to make Stain their leader just because he broke them out. He was pretty sure Stain helped because of Toga. They could form a new LOV.

With Stain.

"C'mon, Deku. Your friend over there is fighting alone," Dabi said, sending more flames his way. Izuku dodged effortlessly.

"Uraraka-san!" he called, the girl was on defense with all the league members after her.

"I'll be fine for now, deal with Dabi!" she shouted, Izuku hesitating before nodding. She was strong, so he didn't have to worry too much.

Izuku used smokescreen around him, his training pulling through. When he stopped it, he headed to the flame villain and hit him with air-force, finger flick from a distance.

Dabi dodged, had already seen most of Izuku's moves from the past. Unfortunately for Dabi, he didn't see everything.

Izuku powered his fist up to 20%, his legs at 8% before he sped to Dabi. He also got out of the habit of saying smash, but he'd say it in his head every now and then.

His fist connected with Dabi's face, the villain flying back and hitting the sand.

Touya however didn't go down that easily. He made a wall of fire around him and Izuku. The wall almost as big as a tornado. The flames flowing around, the hot air making the hero sweat.

"What are you going to do now? AFO and Shigaraki are dead," Izuku said, he was stalling. Stalling to figure out how to stop them.

"Am I supposed to know? They just helped me get out of prison," Dabi didn't attempt to attack Izuku, in fact he didn't even plan to fight the hero," I don't plan on doing anything, I'm just going to get far away from here," he admitted. Izuku was stunned, the villain was planning to leave, but do what exactly?

"You've murdered people and taken down cities!" Izuku stated.

"And heroes haven't? Heroes get a pat on the back if they accidentally murdered someone or destroy a whole city for stopping a villain," Dabi argued.

Izuku knew, but there wouldn't be a need for heroes if villains didn't exist in the first place. If people could stop being selfish and power hungry, then maybe there'd actually be peace.

"I don't have a say in these things, I'm a kid. As much as I want to defend being a hero, I know this hero society is fucked up. Everything is, but at least we don't kill for the fun of it or because we want something selfishly," Izuku stated.

Dabi scoffed. He aimed fire at the boy again but Izuku wasn't having it and released his smokescreen.

Izuku wanted to get this over with and help Ochako, she won't be able to hold off forever. He then used blackwhip to tie Dabi up while the smokescreen still covered the area.

He successfully did so. His training, experience and the help of OFA paying off.

He used float to escape the fire and headed towards Ochako now. When he witnessed the scene in front of him, he almost tripped over his own feet.

Ochako was cut, due to Toga's dagger. She was fighting, but she looked tired. The villains were surrounding her. Izuku could see Mr. Compress getting ready to capture but he aimed blackwhip towards him as well.

Ochako sighed a breath of relief before floating herself out of their trap and making it out to a safe distance. Izuku's presence made the villains distracted.

"Ochako! I wanted more of your blood, it would be fun to use your quirk on people again!" Toga said cheerfully, making Ochako visibly sick. The brunette was on edge whenever the vampire like girl spoke to her. The girl's voice and existence shook Ochako to the core. She hated Toga with everything she had.

What Ochako hated the most, was that she'd use the gravity girl's face and quirk to kill innocent people.

Toga then came running at Ochako, but she used Gunhead's martial arts on her, using the first knife technique he ever taught her.

Toga was now on the floor while Ochako straddled her back.

"Deku-kun!" she yelled and Izuku used black whip on Toga as well.

All who was left, was Spinner.

"Mr. Stain, what should we do?" he asked. The lizard man looking a bit frightened.

"I knew they wouldn't be able to take you down," Stain complimented Izuku, but the hero didn't care at all.


Police were coming.

"I guess, we did all that for nothing," Stain spoke to himself.

Kurogiri then showed up, using his teleportaion quirk.

They broke him out too, Izuku thought.

"I guess I'll take you with me Lizard," Stain said and walked through the portal.

Spinner entered without hesitation, and the three left, leaving the others.

Police then surrounded the area.

"Deku, you stopped them!" some policemen cheered as others cuffed the LOV members.

"I guess I'll find out what prison is like. Hey mister, can I get a TV like Dabi?" Toga asked while being pulled into a police car. When they put her in she faced out the window with a smile and blew a kiss at Ochako.

The medics came over to tend Uraraka's knife wounds.

"Are you okay?" Izuku asked and Ochako smiled back. Her clothes were  covered in dirt and blood, but still beautiful nonetheless.

"I'll live, but things aren't over yet," she closed her eyes before staring at the sky.

"I'll probably head over to detective Eizo now, hopefully we can track them. We'll have to explain what happened here," Izuku sat beside her at the back of the ambulance. She leaned against him as his hand snaked around her wait.

"Izuku," she said and the boy hummed before looking at her.

"Making you fall in love with me again is going to have to wait," she stated and the boy grinned before facing the Ocean again.

I was always in love with you, Ochako.

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