Chapter 21: The "Connection"

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_Next day_

Jin's POV

Uncle said he will come. I have to know everything. Right! We can have something ordered.

I can't let cookie and Seokie hyung know.


_At the cafe_

_8:45 A.M._

"Hyung, cookie, I want to be alone for sometime. When are you leaving?" Jin asked once their breakfast is done and time to go to work. "We will leave now." Hoseok said. "Are you ok, hyung?" Jungkook asked put of concern.

"I am." Jin sighed. "Are you thinking about Taehyung?" Hoseok asked. Jin inresponse sighed again on the mention of the name.

"Kind of, hyung. But, not now. I was thinking about the Jang we talked yesterday." Hoseok glancing at bus watch he said, "Alright. I will leave in five. I have work to do too."

"I will leave after you leave then." Jungkook said sticking bis tongue out. "Alright, alright.."

"Should I text uncle to come anytime after 9. That will be bad. Just manage Jin. That's better." Jin whispered to himself.

"I will leave. I don't violate my own words." Hoseok said as those 5 minutes passed. "Bye, hyung! Take care." Jin said, nodding at the statement. "You too. Bye~"

Jungkook saw Hoseok leaving and brought his chair to Jin's side. "Hyung, what's wrong?" Jin is staring at his brother, contemplating on whether to say or not.

"Should I tell him? Hoseok hyung will stop me if he knew that. But, what can jungkook do?"

Jungkook tapped on Jin's hand. "Hyung..?" Jin finally decided. "Umm.. Cookie.. Jin hyung is meeting uncle Lee." Jungkook nodded as he pouted, thinking, "Ok! Then, Why did you not tell Seokie hyung about it?" Jin sighed. "He will stop me from talking to Mr. Lee."

"Why?" Jungkook asked as he squint hisbeyes at his brother. "You will know, cookie. You wanna know what I wanna know." Jin asked with hope in his eyes. "Yes! Hyung. Why am I being left out?" Jungkook said, exaggerated. "You are not being left out, cookie. It's just you are young. That's it. You can know if you want to know. Or you can leave, as you said. Ok?" Jin said to calm him down.

"Ok. I wanna know. I will stay." Jungkook decided and declared. "Fine, as you wish." Jin sighed, sadly. "Now, smile hyung. Why that face?" Jin smiled whole heartedly. "That's my hyung!" Mr. Lee came and sat with Jin and Jungkook. "Hello, there. My heroes. How are you doing, Jungkook?"

"I am going good, uncle. How are you?" "I am fine, I am fine." Mr. Lee smiled and sat down. "Did you eat something, uncle?" Jin asked. "I had breakfast. Don't worry. Now, what is it you wanna ask?"

"First of all, thank you so much uncle for coming." Mr. Lee shook his head. "It is nothing, Jin. Go on."

"I want to know about my parent's and uncle's death, uncle." He asked hesitantly. Jungkook hung open his mouth. "Are you ready? I mean to listen.."

"Yes, I am." Mr. Lee took a deep breath and started telling everything happened. Remembering the incident, Mr. Lee sobbed in sorrow. "I can understand, uncle. Stop crying. It's ok. What's done is done."Jin took deep breath for stopping himself from crying.

"It is ok, uncle Lee. Hyung, I think I have to leave. I have an immediate call.
There is someone waiting for me. Bye, hyung. Take care. Love you." Mr. Lee just nodded and wiped his tears off.

"Ok, Jungkook. You too, take care. Love you too." "Uncle, but do you know who is that Mr. Jang?" Mr. Lee answered without hesitation, "He is another Business man. He wanted your father's place in business." I get it. I get it. Thank you, uncle. We will have lunch together. Shall we?"

"Thanks. We shall, Jin." Jin took him home. He cooked delicious meals. "Uncle, food's ready.""Umm.. Smells good." Mr. Lee said smelling the plates of food. They are having their lunch and they didn't speak much about anything. Jin suddenly asked, "What is his name, uncle?" eyeing his uncle. "Beomsoo. Jang Beomsoo."

They had their lunch. Mr. Lee left after bidding goodbye.

"Beomsoo, Jang Beomsoo.. I heard this name somewhere.. Where? Beomsoo.. Beomsoo.. Beomsoo.. JANG BEOMSOO...... Jang Byungwoo's father. Coooooooookie!!! Thank you, thank you, cookie."

Jin squealed in happiness.

"So, like father like son. Nice! I wish his mother is not that way."


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