03. Beach Club Mishaps

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"You gotta keep moving in a circle." Sam said to Felix.

"Yeah well I got that now." Felix said as he held his side in pain.

"You'll get the hang of it soon." Mar said as she placed her hand on Felix's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Felix rolled his eyes.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you for last week." Robby said as he smiled slightly.

"For what?" Mar asked as she got her bottle water, sipping on it.

"Last week, I had no hot water. This week, I have a Jacuzzi in my backyard." Robby laughed.

"Well, I wouldn't get too excited. We did find a dead possum in there." Sam joked.

"Seriously. Thank you. It's been a little rough lately, and it's nice to have people look out for you." Robby smiled at his girlfriend and Sam.

"I only did it because you're my favorite boyfriend." Mar laughed.

"Oh so you have other boyfriends?" Robby said as he playfully narrowed his eyes at the girl.

"Yeah, Pete Davidson, Harry Styles, Timothee Chalamet, Tom Holland and Rodrick Heffley." Mar listed with a laugh.

Robby pouted as Mar wrapped her arm around his waist. "But none of them can compare to you."

"All right, guys." Daniel said as he exited the inside. "Enough chitchat. Let's see where you're at."

"Good afternoon." Daniel said.

The four students looked to Daniel then at two teen boys who had entered. "Hey, uh, we're looking for a Miyagi-Do?"

Mar and Sam exchanged a glance, the two smiling as they walked towards Daniel.

"You're in the right place." Daniel nodded.

"The commercial said lessons are free?" One of the boys questioned.

"They sure are." Daniel beamed. "You guys ready to get started?"

"Yeah." They laughed excitedly.

"Great." Daniel smiled. "Have a couple cans of paint out front. The fence back here could use a fresh coat. Robby'll show ya."

"You want us to paint your fence?" One of the boys scoffed, an incredulous look on his face.

"Keep an open mind, guys. It'll all make sense later." Robby soothed.

"In order to fully learn Miyagi-Do Karate, you have to unlearn your misconceptions about what constitutes train." Daniel explained.

"I knew this was bullshit." One of the boys scoffed. "This was all just some scam to get kids to do your yard work, huh?"

"No, no, no, this is part of the process." Daniel quickly said.

"Yeah. The process." The other boy scoffed. "My mom was right. With car salesmen, you always gotta read the fine print."

"Yeah well you can tell your mom to go suck a di-"

Mar was cut off by Robby placing a hand on her mouth, laughing awkwardly as Daniel sighed at the girl.

"I'm not trying to sell you anything. I'm trying to teach you karate." Daniel quickly said to the students.

"Come on. Let's go check out that place with the snake." The boy scoffed to his friend.

"Yeah, you better go before I cut off your snake!" Mar yelled at the boys.

Daniel sighed, massaging his temples.

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