✨ chapter 87 ✨

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Hello guys here is the chapter 💕

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Continue in sumedh's pro...

She served all breakfast 🥐. All ate and gave her a complement and yes I didn't give because there no need I don't like her yaa but the food was really tasty. I want to say her that the breakfast was amazing .I completed my breakfast 🥐 and went to my room and sat on bed and I started thinking that   I couldn't my hate towards her was stopping me to do that. She again felt sad that I didn't give complement .I to felt sad . For second I thought to keep my hate towards her a side and give her a complement so with that she will be happy . I don't know but her smile just charming smile. Her charming smile can make any one smile . I really like her smile . Any way let's keep her thoughts away other wise her thoughts will make me mad one day huh 🙄 khargosh 😑. You all know what I am thinking of going to London and keep a   business over there I know it is not been completely at one day  also my marriage complete but I want to go to London I want to keep a company there and stop this study is over here today night I will talk about this to Dad if he give permission to this I am sure I will surely go to London and open a company there I am really getting hell nervous  to talk about this to Dad I wish he will agree for this . I was just lost in this thoughts  then I saw that miss khargosh is here she came and sat beside me and asked what happened.

End of mallika's pro...

Mallika :- what happened Mr Kadhoos ji .

Sumedh :- wow what did you just say me ji .

Mallika :- hmm yaa I said . Is there any problem if I say like that .

Sumedh :- I don't have any problems I am just thinking why this much respect towards me suddenly .

Mallika :- .............

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