Entry: School Day And Publishing

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January 16,2012


Where: Physica Ap 2nd period Exam

Entry: I finished my exam. I feel so bad but at the same time I'm laughing because I didn't put effort into the test. I have three college courses, this being one of them, and the more I stay in the them the lazier I get. I feel like it's my level and I can do it. It's not hard. The fact that the class isn my level though and has a lot of work just makes me want to procrastinate. I feel bad. I actually like my English class and physics. Although, I tend to fall behind in physics because with a class full of seniors who don't want to do their work you tend to feel the need to not want to either. I don't know if they know but they're very influential.

There are only knives juniors in this class. Me being one of them of course. One is a girl and the rest of us are guys. The only thing that'll really get me is in the end when I have to take my Ap test. I say I didn't put much effort into the exam because I knew the answers were in the book. All the odd number problems anyways but that's just it. There's only like four even problems and yea, I probably got those wrong. I didn't make a hundred I'll tell you that. I wish my teacher would be a bit more interesting. He has kind of a dry sense of humor that's doesnt always work with you every day you know? He's n old teacher. My 14 years old sister had him as a teacher. Shes 30 now.

I've made a few friends in this class though and I really like it. The senior class is really interesting. The ones I have met are a bit mellow and the class is really laid back. There isn't much physical drama that got on in there class and I bet they're glad.

In my class however. There have been multiple fights but as the years pass it has slowly come to a a stop. They were really bad in middle school. Shoot. My best friend labeled middle school as our dark age and really, it was. Mya class is also the one that this most people have dropped out of. *sigh* and I'm not so proud of that. We had 332 at the beginning of the year. Now? Me we have 280 something. I think. I've been dropped out of the top ten probably. I don't put much effort into school anymore as you know.

Really, so many people emphasize school and how it benefits you. I does... If that's what you want to do in life. A a writer I've kind of only benefited from the socializing and the English class. History gives me ideas and makes mme want to read while math and normally is fun but has always been a class that I've been behind in. I used to be really good at math but now Im not so much because I don't teach anyone anymore. I'm trying to get myself to watch people online and how they work out their problems because sometimes, it just takes another person to repeat it to get it.

For the longest time I wanted to be a teacher and then a musician on the side. Now I don't even want to go to college. I want to go to meet new people but I don't want to go because my life depends on it. Really, I'd love to go work at a local place and just get to know people or get ideas from people who come into the store because I like hearing a bout different life styles and just looking into a different set of eyes completely. That's what an observer does.

I probably already said this in past entries but I found a self publishing website and I'm thinking that I'm going to put chapters in each book if you know what I mean. You probably don't so let me explain. You see, as a writer you have many ideas, as a reader you can step into different worlds, and as an observer you see people create and step into different worlds. That's just how I've always thought of it. Well, since I have so many ideas from observing, reading, and writing I just don't keep up with them all.

Due to that I'm planning on publishing only the first chapter of the set of chapters I do have. I still will publish them n my wattpad. The finished ones anyway. I have a lot in my computer and I'm thinking that I'll need a new one so I'm thinking of outting them all in a series of books.

Part 2



Today they mixed the lunches of the freshman, sophomore, juniors, and seniors since it's exam day. It's so freaking crowded in here. You cannot believe how many people are standing. All the seats are taken,min side and outside. There are people who are sitting on the cement outside and the halls are probably filled. I would take pictures but this place is so crowded I don't think I could be able to maneuver enough to get around to where I want to go.

I played a car game called Bull Shit or a I learned it, Cheat. They're the same game I've never one today. The thing I like about that game is in order to win you have to cheat and it's hilarious. It tests you on your lying skills.

Continuing on with what I as saying in part one. I wanted to put 15 stories in one book and publish that in a magazine form. Although, Im contemplating on whether of or not I want to add more than one chapter of different stories. For example: say that I have two chapters of a story and I haven't touched that story in forever while I have a story that has six chapters of another story that I haven't touched a while either. The story with two chapters could be in the same book while I might only put one chapter of the five chapters of the over story in the same book.

Part Three


American History Exam

I sat by a friend he sat away from everybody. He didn't mean to sit alone. He was just used to sitting where he's sitting so he didn't want to change it. I joined him. We were the only ones with the right formatted test! xD woot! His names Bill Watkins. We went to elementary school together. I don't remember.

Part Four



I have this game called Civilization Revolution. It's like four and a half because it's between the fourth and fifth. I want to tell you about this game. I'll save that for anther day though. I'm borrowing it for now. I'll probably get a the fifth one on PC.

Back to the book publishing. Obviously, as you can see I got distracted so much. I think I'll write like this tomorrow it's actually pretty fun. I will tell you though that I did loss half of my charger so charging this takes a while.

I'm thinking of writing more short stories. I don't want to publish them only their own because they're only like three to four pages each. I apparently write in such of a fashion to where four pages is a minimum.

I really like this idea. I like writing throughout the day. It makes me think to myself what I've done during the day. It makes me think a bit. Well, I guess I'll end this one for now. I'll try this again some other time.

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