Review For Divergent By Veronica Roth. E: My Reading interest

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I read the book Divergent by Veronica Roth finally. I read the second book first and it pissed me off to no end. I didn't even know it was the second one until I got to the last chapters. In the book that I managed to get my hands on I somehow got a hold of the bonus featured one. It has a quiz at the back and when I took it I couldn't believe the result. I didn't think that I would get that result. For those of you who have read the book than you'll proabably see why I was surprised but I'll let you guys see the questions and the answers that I picked. I won't type all of the answers up because I don't want to steal any of her copy right or anything so in saying that I'm not intending to take anything out of her book and call it mine. The following quiz is from her Bonus Feature Section in Divergent.

Faction Quiz

1. You most want your friends and family to see you as someone who...

D: Protect them no matter what happens

2. When you are faced with a difficult promblem, you react by...

B: Creating a work of art that expresses yuour feelings about the situation.

3. What activity would you most likely find youself doing on the weekend or on an unexpected day off?

C. Sharing opinions with your friends

D.Rock-climbing or skydiving!

4. If you had to select one of the following option as a profession, which would you choose?

C: Judge

5. When choosing your outfit for the day you select...

C: Something that's simple, but still expresses your personality.

6. If you discovered that a friend's significant other wqas being unfaithful, you would...

(This one I don't like accounting... There's parts of answers that I agreed with but I never really completely agreed with any of them...)

E. Kee it to yourseld. Statistics prove that your friend will find out eventually.

7. What would you say is your highest priority in life right now?

C: Seeking the truth in all things

Result: Candor

You are (I am XD) honest with everyone, no matter how difficult it is, and no matter how much trouble it gets you into. You aren't easily offended, and would prefer tp hear the truth even if it hurts. You believe that if everyone could be honest and forthright with each other the world woudld be a much better place. Other people see you as sometimes insensitive, but also as trustworthy and confident.

Comment: Okay. I lovet this book first of all so for those of you who want to check it out it's supposebly like Hunger Games. (I don't think so). You see... In the book you are born into a faction and at age sixteen you take a ampitute test which tells you which faction your mind thinks you belong in. In the end you get to pick whether you stay with your faction or become a faction transfer in which then you have to go through initiation in order to become a part of that faction. There's death but it's necissary in this novel which is why I didn't think it was like the Hunger Games at all. Granted, I've never read the Hunger Games but I knowenough about it to know that there's a difference between the Diveregent series and Hunger Games... That being said.

I didn't think I'd end up in this faction because of the people in the book but I realize now that I've read the little summary as a result that the result is me. I'm honest. Too honest. And it's bad but half the time I don't care and I over look it. Sometimes I forget that people get hurt by the truth and that I can withstand a blunt answer rather than a pitiful one just to save me. What I yern for is Understand which is truth. I want to know why something works the way it works which is an Edurite quality but it still leads to truth. I am trustworthy. That I do now. Shoot. Apparently, by me overlooking peoples' faulters I become someone they tell what I think is a 'simple' rant but it means the word to them that I listened. I also know that I'm confident. Shoot. There are sometimes when I think it's easy to just say something someone else panics at the thought of it.

So, for those of you who have heard of this book and were contemplateing on buying it I'm telling you to go for it! The books really good. I read it in two days.. Lol Opps. XD. Oh well. It has 478 pages in the first one. I can only tell you that because the books sitting to my leftat the moment lol.

I also have a headache. That's not relavent but I'm telling all of you that I have a headache. It hurts. Okay I'm done complaining XD. Peace :P

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