P: Your World T: Thoughtful/Amused/Amazed

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Tone: Thoughtful/Amused/Amazed

Date: January 15th, 2013

Your World

Create the world from your-imagination

Mold it with your hands

Don't crush it with your frustration

Give it a chance

Let it spark

Let it see the light


In your hands

Through your imagination

Is a whole new world

And you think about it

Distance yourself

No one's allowed to see this

You think to yourself

And you draw out the the measurements

Say that's it's prefect

Redo the things you don't like

Then you look back

Take a step back

And you turn the world back

Into the past

And you watch as what you created do what it's told

Oh, you never thought you would be like that

You're laughing at the mistakes

You know the hurt

You realize that

And you go on

Knowing that fact

Just keep spinning

Just keep visiting

The world

The places you've created

And through your imagination

Your realistic side shows

For what you learned back then

Appears in who you are in the long run

You laugh as you see the stupid things

Back then you were in tears

But now you're happy as can be

You have different problem but your characters create the scene

From back then


You laugh more than once

The influence everyone has

Who knew that you'd get this far

You think as you look up at shooting star

Created by you

Bending the truth

But keeping it real

At the same time

who knew


Who knew?

Turn the page

Oh turn the page

Smile as you see the pain

Not for the fact that you were hurt back then

But for the fact taht you've recovered since then

Turn the page

Oh turn the page

Sing to your hearts content

As you reread song you wrote

As you reread the poems that gloat

About your personality

How amazing

How abusing

How amusing

Is it all

At the same time?


You step back once more

Your imagination creating more than one world you see

You cant evn keep it up in your hands anymore

You step back and and watch it

Unravel it self

Ideas leading to others

Ideas ending where they started

Then the book drops

Just how many pages have you read?

I've lost count

I've lost count in my head

All I know

Is that

This is my memory

Turn the page

Oh turn the page

Create the world through your imagination

And mold it with your hands

Set it aside for later

Start a new project and laugh

When you go back to the begining

Just to see what's incomplete

So you'll see in the end

There is none

No matter how many you start

You try and try once again

You try and try to rewrite your mistakes but then

Your imagination steps in front of you

Shows you who you are

It gives a tour from the beginning and then steps back into your heart

It's all true

It's all false

It's all bended backwards

In the end we try to teach

The one who's about to be dead

So in your last moments

You'll know you'll live on

Through the imagination





Conclusion: I went back to read some of venture. Whoa. That was who I was. I've really changed in writing style and attitude lol. Let me just say that I've improved. This probably is the longest poem that I've wrote SINCE Venture XD. I wrote really long poems in there. I really want to read over them now lol. It's really interesting. not all of them have an aftermath lol. None of these do I believe (when I wrote this anyway) I'll probably analyze it another day.

  Anyway. I realize how much I've changed and what I need to do to imporove. Really, I've been writing more realistic things. I need to publish CR but not just yet. My teacher still has it... Lol Like. Damn. XD.

  My computer has been messing up. I need to import all of my writings. I need help. From ANYONE. Please, take some f the ideas off of my hands. I have a lot in this world that I've created. I hate handing it off to someone but I think that's just what I have to do. I'll have a seperate book for those since there's a lot of them. Some will be simple statements others will be full blown chapters and then it just stops lmao. Like A Thousand Fallen Leaves.

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