P; The Truth Speaks T; Hopeful, Cheerful

59 4 3

Tone: Hopeful, cheerful,

Date: July 31st 2012

The Truth Speaks

Open up your eyes and let me see,

I am one inside hoping to be,

The one—the true you—that pleads

I just want one chance, don’t bury me

Even if you set me free

Deep down inside, you know

All the thought I have, I want to let them show

For everyone to know who you really are

I’m the one that’s taking the actual scars

Don’t cover me up, because you know that you will just break down

Don’t push me away, because eventually—you’ll come around

It all hurts here, don’t you see me

I’m pointing at your heart

It’s all right here, inside of me

Don’t pull me apart

I’m the one that knows what you hide

Please take off the blink fold and open my eyes.

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