P; Weakness of Thee

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Weakness of Thee

At this moment I don’t even know

So many thoughts in my head

The clearing—I’m yearning for it to show

Clear my head

Oh clear my head

You wish for one thing

You receive another

You feel yourself going down

The gravity, around your shoulders

What is the weight of the world?

What is the weight of the world…?

The need, it’s rising…you feel yourself break

Your head is spinning, let’s take a breath

Inhale you do and then you let out a sigh

What is going to happen?

You close your eyes to think

But then you find your worst enemy

Fear! This is your deepest fear

You’ve been thinking about all the times.

Fear! What are you afraid of?

Are you afraid to die?

It’s clear that you’re afraid of living

Because when your head finally clears

You begin to think of all the bad things

Such thoughts naturally corrode and bring the tears

The frustration among us

The confusion so obvious

The weakness shows

As tears find their way

The anger boils, to the surface

The screaming in your head doesn’t dare to cease

The insanity among us

When can I sleep?

Inside are the feelings.

The weakness of thee.

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