P; Holidays? T: Curious/ Confused

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Tone: Curious/ Confused

Date: November 22, 2012

Intro: I got driven to my sister’s house because someone took my room.


Is it sad that I’m used to this

The hurt and the fake bliss

The laughing when in pain when you hear lies

The cussing that seems to fly by

I don’t feel bad so don’t cry

But is it bad that I’m used to this?

I’m so used to not getting my way

I’m used to feeling the pain in my hands because I’ve typed or written the day away

I’m used to expressing myself

Especially when I’m pissed

What I’m used to.

What I’m used to-

Is this

I’m asking because someone felt sorry for me earlier when the times taken back

I told them that it’s okay

That I’m intact

But they still sighed and said that they were sorry

I said it’s alright

This is what I’m used

And they shook their head and said that, that’s not supposed to be

To me, I see it as a normal day, a normal party

To me, I don’t see why I should feel hurt

I mean, I always feel this way so it feels like a normal day

I guess you could say that I’m used to feeling hurt

So it’s alright

I’m used to this pain

Don’t feel bad for me

It’s just a holiday.

Conclusion: My brother in law felt bad because he had to take me to his house in order to sleep because mine was taken by my aunt. I’m used to this by now so it’s not like I was hurt or anything. I’m just curious. Apparently, it’s not normal to see drunk people all the time, be antisocial during parties, get food and return to your room and not open the door again until you’re done. It’s just always been like that for me. I don’t see why it’s such a bad thing now. I mean shook. I cleaned my room… That was like all I did.

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